Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Journal #1 - It's NEW!

Welcome back English II students! Starting this semester, we will have a NEW way of journaling, communicating and responding to the literature we read and discuss. We are going to BLOG! I know many of you are familiar with this from Coach Houp's class and this blog will operate very similarly. However, I need to get everyone included. So please comment below (in no less 50 words)...

Winter Break was ..... (i.e. Winter Break was tiring because I played basketball just about every day. However we won most of our games so it was awesome.  I wish it would have snowed so we could go sledding... OR Winter Break was great! I saw all of my cousins and we had three dinners at my grandma's house. She makes the best cinnamon rolls....  OR Winter Break was too short. I need more time to play Madden and Halo 4 and COD and Skyrim! I am...)

Your comment should be posted at the end of the 10 minutes I'm going to give you.  Your time starts....NOW!
Mrs. Ellis


  1. My winter break was pretty good! I got to go to my friends alot and i got to have a great Christmas dinner over at my aunts house. I was so happy when New Years came though!I went mudding in Everton with my friends and we went back roading and after that I was staying in Ash Grove for probably a week and a half over at a friends and we just had a blast together. I got presents but not that much they were mostly just small little presents because my family is hitting it hard with money, but even with that my Christmas Break had to have been a great one!

  2. My winter break was a lot of fun. I got go to my grandparents and see a lot of relatives. after Christmas I went to my best friend Haley's house and had Christmas with her family.We went to her aunts and played the connect a lot. We went to an indoor arena and rode horses and messed with baby pigs. Her and I hang with her dad and little brothers and had a air soft war. I enjoyed Christmas break mostly because it was drama free and I got to see a lot of people I love.

  3. My Winter Break was fun, but tiring. Right when we got off school Friday, I drove to Jefferson City to spend time with my dad. We then drove to Illinois, and then Columbia to see more family. I saw a lot of family I haven't seen in a long time. After Christmas was over, I drove back to my Mom's in Ash Grove and spent New Years there. Although I didn't get to hang out with friends because I was so busy, I had a great time.

  4. Winter Break was a very good and long brake. i mainly stayed with Cody eubanks and we stayed all over, i got my license. over Christmas i got some close clone beats and stuff for my car. then last weekend we went to stay at codys grandmas and i met new people made new friends and got to drive around Springfield

  5. Winter break was a bore and a disappointment because my family and I went to Memphis Tennessee and spent Christmas with my mothers divorced parents.I was extremely disappointed in Christmas it self for while my friends and family received wonderful gifts i received nothing except for a lecture from both my dad and grandfather on things such as working out.

  6. My Winter Break was very boring because i was sick the whole time. I couldn't do anything, all I did was lay in bed all day basically. But towards the end I started feeling better and finally got to start doing things. I went to the mall, hung out with friends, went to church, and went to the basketball games. I wish it snowed more than it did because I love when it snows. The break also seemed very short to me. When I'm in school, I feel like it goes so slow to getting out of school for break. But when it is break, I feel like it flies by. I'm not sure why, but I don't like it. After all, I thought it was an okay two weeks. I just wished I wasn't sick so I could enjoy my break.

  7. Winter break amazing I got exactly what I wanted, and that was to spend time with my family. My family is everything to me. Even more so now that I am preparing to enlist in the military. But other then spending time with family I did thing like play video games, and do PT (physical training). I enjoyed my Christmas break and hope I can have another Christmas like that next year.

  8. Winter break was good because I got to have a big reserved party with my grandma. She reserved the party room at the pasta company, and a lot of the family showed up. I also got to spend time with my dad, and with out his wife. When I finally got to open presents, I finally got halo 4

  9. My winter break was quiet busy. I was never really home except for like 3 days, because I was either hanging with Miriam or Kara. The most eventful thing that I probably did all break was went shopping and cheered at the 2 tourneys that they boys played at, both times we came home with first place! I was so proud to be an Ash Grove cheerleader!

  10. My winter break was okay. I hung out with Kelsea a lot and we went shopping. For Christmas me and my family got together and hung out all day. For New Years eve me, Elizabeth, Kelsea, and Miriam all went out to go see a movie and then came back to my house and had a little party by our self's. It was a good time.

  11. My winter break was pretty good, and it felt like this winter break was a lot longer than any of the other breaks we have had. Also i liked the fact that there were a lot of schools that went back on Friday and we didn't have to.All together my break was really good and i got a lot of new clothes for Christmas.

  12. Winter break was awesome. Me and my friend went duck hunting a lot. we killed alot of ducks at our prime we shot seven ducks. We also wwnt to a pond and shot all four ducks that were there. We got lucky and saw some geese but didnt shoot any.

  13. This Winter Break was fun because i went hunting check traps and shots some crows with my friend jj. we stayed out late at peoples houses and had lots of fun. The only thing that sucks is waking up early.

  14. my winter break was pretty good we mostly lazed around an didn't do much but watch movies or play on the computer. i loved it when it snowed it made me happy to see snow again. my aunt Megan cam up to visit us on Christmas eve. she gave me a tosh.o movies.i got alot of art supply's for Christmas an it made me happy im i could last for awhile on that load of art stuff. my dad also got me a laptop it was pretty cool its the newest hp windows 8 tablet screen. its wicked cool but can get on my nerves really quick. well thats how my Christmas break went oh we also got a ferret!!!!! thanks for reading!

  15. Winter Break was boring, I didn’t leave my house much. I grew tired of not seeing my friends; Autry, Tanya, kelly, Heidi, Savanna, Carolyn, Katie, Brie, Lindsey, and Malorie.
    Sure I played video games, had music to entertain, and stayed up super late. But I missed my friend.
    Around New Year- I left my house and went to Kansas to baby sit my two adorable second cousins( Kristan and Carlie Joe). Kirstan is five and Carlie Joe is three, they were super excited to see me- right when I walked in I got a Big hug from Carlie Joe and Kristan. I smiled at them, we ate dinner and soon the baby sitting began. My family has a poker game ever New Year, at my cousin Dustin’s house and I end up babysitting his two little girls. We had a Blast- Kristan and Carlie Joe played Half blood/ pure blood( a Harry Potter Game we invented), then Lots, and LOTS of hind and go seek.
    Soon it was time for me to leave, Carlie I was putting her to bed and she said the cutest thing ever to me. “ Can you stay?” it melted my heart- I made the comet how long. she said “ foreber” I smile and told her I had school coming up and that latter on that I would see her. that was my winter break.

  16. Winter Break was not long enough! To start off my Christmas break I slept in! That felt great. We got to open our Christmas presents early and then go to my Grandma's house in Arkansas where I was able to hang out with my cousins and eat lots of great food. After a couple of days there, we drove seven long, awful hours to Texas where we spent time with my other grandparents and aunt. When we finally got home after a long week New Years was right around the corner. I celebrated New Years with my parents and barely made it to midnight. (Lame, I know!) The last week of break was spent hanging out with friends and my little cousin. I overall had a great break.

  17. Winter Break was pretty hectic for me. I was never home. The day we got out of school i went to Victoria sadtler's house for about three days. We went to the mall everyday i was there. We ended up staying in Springfield one night with our friend Reina. After that i went back to my house stayed a night for Christmas. Woke up, did Christmas and then went to my grandparents house and stayed the night. The next day i went back to Tori's house and we stayed a night there. We came to ash grove and stayed a few nights at our friend Kayhtee's house. Tori only stayed three days but i stayed about five days.

  18. Winter Break went by really slow at first. There was nothing to do until Christmas. I got a lot of money for Christmas and then i still had to move into my new house. I had no internet most of Christmas break because the guys redoing my house kept pushing back the move in date. Once i got internet tho i played a lot on my Xbox until i got so mad i just got off and watch Netflix. For a couple of nights before my house was done i had to spent the night with my grandma which is okay because she cooks for every meal

  19. Winter break was actually really great for me. Unfortunately it didn't snow which I was looking forward to because I love snow a lot. Hopefully it will snow some time before spring. I went up to Festus to spend Christmas with family up there and we ended up playing a lot of Just Dance 1, 2, 3, and 4 on our cousins Wii. I also had to help set up an electric drum set up for my cousin which he got for Christmas.

  20. Winter break was....................Awesome!! My cousins came down from the Oregon Coast and visited for around a week. I went predator hunting with my uncle and cousin, and also went crow hunting a lot with my uncle because he bought a brand new game call from Bass Pro. I stayed up late, watching TV as well as playing Xbox. I enjoyed sleeping in until noon or later. I already miss winter break and I wish it could have been longer.

  21. Winter Break was very dull and boring for me. All I did was play on my xbox and work out side with moving my stuff over to my new house. I mostly stayed at my house that i'm moving into, it is my dads girlfriends house. I'm excited to move in there. I also watched alot of Netflix with Jack.

  22. My winter break was normal and boring ya i got out of school but that just made me miss it even more. I got a few presents and that was okay but at least i got to spend time with my family. Some people doesn't get to during the holiday's. I am very glad i am back though here at school it has no longer been boring for me.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Winter break didn't seem long enough for me. But I still had a lot of fun. We made two trips to my grandparents' house for both Christmas and New Years. I'm not lucky enough to get two or three Christmases like a lot of kids, we only really talk to my dad's side of the family. But that one Christmas alone is fun enough to make up for two. It didn't snow as much as I would have liked it to have, but it was still pretty nice, so I was able to go outside instead of staying cooped up the whole break. In all reality, I think I spent more time watching the guys in my life play Black Ops and Halo. Guys in this generation, I swear, are obsessed. I don't really see the fun in those games. Then again, I don't really know how to play them, even though I promised Spencer I'd learn if he taught me. But that's a huge commitment on his part...

  25. Over break me and my friend played an outrages amount of online game play. We several games with in 3 days and got bored. on christmass i got 4 new video games, AC3, Splinter cell, gears of war 3, and oblivian (skyrim). i beat just about all of them already. i pretty much stayed inside and played games, draw, and watch movies the whole break. may have a little bit but not much. some of the things i got consisted of candy and art things like an art kit and stuff like that.

  26. My break was pretty good because I didn't have to go to school. I also enjoyed sleeping to noon everyday. I had a wonderful Christmas and I got everything I wanted. I played lots of Madden 13 at the beginning of break but I got NBA 2K13 for Christmas so that basically took over the PlayStation. I went and watched the varsity boys win the Walnut Grove tournament. And then lastly the JV boys and I won our first two games in the Morrisville tournament. I'd say the only bad thing about break was getting my sleeping schedule back on track. I still haven't fell asleep before 2 a.m.

  27. Winter break was fun because I slept in til one o clock everyday, and i liked all my Christmas presents,any on new years eve we had good time. I love Christmas food better than thanksgiving food, that's only because I hate the Turkey stuffing, cause one thanksgiving I ate to much and got sick. I also love eggnog! But now i kinda wish that I woke up earlier, so i could have had more stuff to do.

  28. Winter break was fun but tiring because I had to go to every basketball game because I film for them. They played in the Walnut Grove tournament and the Miller tournament and won them both. They also won last night which means they are on a nine game win streak which is very impressive compared to how they did last year. I also got a new truck for Christmas and that was it but that is a lot more than I was expecting. Overall it was a good break but I am kinda glad to be back in school.

  29. Winter break was pretty good. I hung out with some friends that I hadn't seen in a while. I wish the break was longer though so I could have more time to hang out with my friends and be lazy. Winter break is always great because you can stay up really late and then sleep in and not have to get up early in the morning.

  30. Winter break was... Amazing! Over break all I really did was sleep. With winter break, I wish that we would be out longer so that way I could have more time to sleep. The funnest things that I did over break was play some Black Ops 2, and minecraft, and also shoot off some bottle rockets for New Years! Other than that, nothing very exciting went on.

  31. Winter break was interesting. I got to go to my mom's house in Oklahoma. It was really good to see everyone again. Mom and Ed gave me $100 for Christmas and, in my opinion, it was spent very well. I got to buy hair dye to re-color my hair, I also got my Tragus pierced, its that little nub thing that's part of your ear. I also spend New Year's Eve with my grandma.I learned a very good lesson, DO NOT try and cut frozen raw bacon with a knife, you will cut yourself. Over all break was fantastic!

  32. Winter break was fun because I slept in til one o clock everyday, and i liked all my Christmas presents,any on new years eve we had good time. I love Christmas food better than thanksgiving food, that's only because I hate the Turkey stuffing, cause one thanksgiving I ate to much and got sick. I also love eggnog! But now i kinda wish that I woke up earlier, so i could have had more stuff to do.

  33. Winter break seemed to last a long time. I spent nearly every day with my family and although I love them, they were starting to get on my nerves. Anyways, most of the time I was taking care of our puppy. Since he is a Siberian Husky, he was absolutely thrilled with the cold weather and the snow. I was also able to have a bunch of friends over and hang out with them. I got to spend a lot of time with my dad because he was healing from a back surgery. In short, winter break was interesting and should have been longer.

  34. Winter break was great was great. Went to my mom and dad's house and spent a few days with my mom and dad. Then we went to my dad's mom's house and I met my step-family for the first time. We had a blast. Had Christmas morning with my mom for the first time in 10 years so that was really good. I was just happy that I got to spend it with her. My birthday came around and I had a lot of people say happy birthday!! My favorite moment was New years! woke my mom up by screaming and laughing. To be with my mom on Christmas and New Years meant a lot to me.

  35. My Winter break was great. I went to some barrel races and won some money. I also got to hang out with my friends. My parents and I wanted to go to Florida but my dad had to work so we didn't get to go. I was sad because i wanted to go. I guess i have to wait for next year to go. Christmas Eve, my parents and i went to Hindou to eat lunch. It was a good lunch. My parents had to do couple of things after lunch, so i went with my mom to go grocery shopping, because we were running out of food at home. After that my mom and I went home and did watched a movie together as a family. I forgot what the movie we watched but it was a great movie.

  36. Winter break was to short for me, I was able to do some of the things I wanted to do but not all of them. Its probably good that we went back tho to finish the rest of the year so that it doesn't end in July. I'm also glad to be back to be back because if we had been out any longer I probably would have forgotten every thing.

  37. Winter break was good like normal. We did not have to come to this place they call school. Also i got many things that I wanted for Christmas. I was off basketball for a week but the last days we had practice so that was not bad. I feel like normally do when break is over do not want to come back and hard to wake up. I feel that it went by to fast and I just need to maybe just get back in to the route of school, kinda hard thought.

  38. My break was longer ten most peoples because I didn't have to take finals, so I got 2 extra days off. Most of my break consisted of staying up really late and then sleeping in till noon. I got to see some family I haven't seen since I was little, I even got to spend Christmas eve and New Years eve with my boyfriend. He bought me a really pretty pair of owl earrings and he took me to dinner at Zios. It was quite amazing, if i do say so myself. I even made a New Years Resolution that I AM going to stick to. It was that I am going to move out of my parents place and get my life in order and start over in a new place, with new friends and a new area where NOBODY knows me. Wish me luck!! I hope that your Christmas was a good one Mrs. Ellis!

  39. Winter break was actually very boring for me because I didn't get to see that many friends. I did get to play laser tag and it was quite fun because my team won all but one game. I played a lot of video games which was fun but it got boring really fast. I had a great break though.

  40. Winter break was very fun. I didn't do much of anything besides just hang out with friends. In the beginning I didn't have to practice for 8 days. So the day we went back was killer hard on my legs. Then we had a tournament and we'll be playing for the championship this Saturday. So you can say winter break was pretty fun. Plus I got a pair of beats for Christmas.

  41. Winter break was fun, I hung with my friends and part of my family. I got a Wii from my brother and got addicted to Just Dance 4 for a while. I got to go to the mall and Chesterfield a lot! I went to Branson and saw the Christmas lights at Silver Dollar CIty. I was so lazy during the break and ate a lot so I’m pretty sure I gained like 10 pounds. I am Adrianna Young.

  42. Winter Break seemed like forever since we had those days after the New Year. However I still enjoyed every bit of it. I hung out with Hannah Blake and Kara Leeper almost everyday other than the holidays. We went to alot of basketball games and just had fun. The holidays were fun I got to see alot of my family I never get to see and I got to see my favorite cousins that I see alot, it's always a joy to see them and their kids. Winter break was great, can I have another one?

  43. Winter break was a lot of fun. I spent most of my time watching my boyfriend play basketball. The Ash Grove Pirates won two tournaments over the break, which was really exciting. I really enjoyed watching them play. I also enjoyed staying up late every night and sleeping in really late. Although its really hard for me to get back in a good sleeping routine now. Also over break I babysat a lot. I made lots of money. I went shopping a lot too, which I love to do! Winter break was so much fun except it just wasn't long enough for me. But, on the bright side summer break is coming up in a few months and it will last a lot longer than winter break did, so that’s what I have to look forward to!

  44. My winter break was awesome.I mostly spent my time playing video games and watching movies but it was nice to have a break from school.I wish it had snowed so i could have gone sledding.One of the most fun parts of my break was when i went to a lock in with my friends was fun even though I slept till two o clock in the afternoon.

  45. Winter Break was slow but it was fast too. On the days that I spent doing nothing it went by really slow, but when I had a lot going on the day went by really fast. On some days I had to cheer at basketball games and getting things done and other days I was sitting and watching TV. Those days were slow and to the point that I wanted to go back to school. The bet part of it though was the fact that I got to sleep in. That was the best part. When school came back, like any other time, I drag myself out of bed to go to school and then all day I get tiered. This week back got really tiring when getting up early every morning now.

  46. Winter Break was kind of boring because I was at home most of the time. We didn’t do anything very exciting except for when we went to the children’s hospital and gave gifts to the children that were there for Christmas. I wish it lasted longer because I don’t like school. I am Katelyn Steeley.

  47. My winter break was good. I spent most of winter break with my friends in Ash Grove. Except on Christmas Eve and Christmas I spent that with my family at home. When I was at home I was so bored because there was nothing to do until my brothers got there. But when they got there we played football and had a good time. So all and all I had a good winter break.

  48. One of the longest I have ever had. This was because I crammed so much into three little weeks. As soon as I got out we went to Kansas City to visit my aunt, uncle, and two little cousins. That always wears me out because Ethan is a 6-year-old boy and his brother is 3. They are crazy. Also, I cleaned like a crazy lady. I never clean during the school year and my mother sure doesn't clean during the school year so I had quite the job. Lastly, the weekend before school started again I went hiking in Arkansas with my dad and some hiking buddies.

  49. Winter Break was fun and I could say boring. The only time I did anything was when family came over or a friend asked me to go do something with them. Me and my sister went to work over the break and gained all of our money back that we had spent on Christmas. My favorite part would of have to been when we all went outside and shot skeet because we all were bored. Of course, I dominated. So I could say for the most part that my break was very enjoyable.

  50. My winter break was very fun filled. As soon as I got out of school, we had family come in from North Carolina. We went shopping and had family dinners before Christmas. After Christmas, I spent a few days down in Branson with my sister. I was constantly traveling. A few days after, the cheerleaders cheered at two of the boys basketball team’s games! The games were the most intense games I had ever seen. After both the tournaments were over, we really only had a few days until school would start back up. I spent them hanging out with my friends, and my sister who just recently got back from Italy.

  51. Winter break was a lot of fun because i did a lot of trapping and caught a lot of different kind of animals. I made 410$ and now my bank account is 2000$. I wish it would of snowed because i was wanting to go sledding. I got to hang out with my friends a lot. I went to a lot of the basketball games and they won most of them over break. I was really tired when i came back to school because i stayed up really late most of the time over break.The latest i stayed up was tell 5 in the morning.

  52. My winter break was very fun filled. As soon as I got out of school, we had family come in from North Carolina. We went shopping and had family dinners before Christmas. After Christmas, I spent a few days down in Branson with my sister. I was constantly traveling. A few days after the cheerleaders cheered at two of the boys basketball team’s games! The games were the most intense game in my life. After both the tournaments were over, we really only had a few days until school would start back up. I spent them hanging out with my friends, and my sister who just recently got back from Italy.

  53. Well, winter break was pretty good. I wasn't very active. Mostly, I just hung out around my house sleeping, watching cartoons, and playing Dishonored. But, over the break I did get to visit the house of some family friends. Their names are Alicia (yes, I was named after her) and Wes and they have three kids. Alicia is one of my parents former students. It's always fun to visit them. Mostly because me, my brother, and one of their kids stayed up all night playing Halo 4. Other than that I just used the break as some chill time and a break from doing homework. It was awesome and now I REALLY can't wait till summer!

  54. My winter break was entirely to short. That's what happens when I have fun. Things fly by so fast that I don't even realize where the time went. The first week there was Christmas, and with all the celebrations going on I was always busy. For example, we went caroling with the youth from my church at around 9:00 pm Christmas Eve and got home around 3:00 in the morning. Caroling, bonfires, and New Years parties and sleep in between really makes the time fly. I even went bowling, which isn't really something people do for the holidays but, we went anyway. Overall it was very fun.

  55. My winter break was okay. It wasn't anything special. I just was with family most of the time. I do wish I could have spent more time with my friends though. I think that would have made my break a little more enjoyable. Oh. And sleeping. I wish I could have had more time to do that too.

  56. My winter break was a little too normal for me. Usually Christmas would excite me so much that it would bleed over into the entire break. But for the past two years, I haven't been very excited. I'm not sure why, whether it's because I'm getting so old that the Christmas season has lost its luster, or the fact that my Dad isn't home for Christmas brings down my excitement. It just doesn't seem like Christmas without him. The rest of break wasn't any more exciting. I never got to go anywhere extremely special. And it made things worse that I slept so late everyday that there isn't much we could do that night. But, in the long run, I realized that Christmas break was just what I needed. I got to see my aunt and her family from St. Louis, my Dad and Step Mom, my grandparents, and my aunt and her family from Jefferson City. It made me realize how much I love my family and that I could't live without them.

  57. Winter break was very fun. Most of my days consisted of eating, playing video games, hanging out with Kelsey and sleeping. It was the best break I have ever had. What would of made it better was snow. My birthday is over break so it is usually my favorite time of the year. Christmas usually brings the bad out of my family but this year it brought the best out of my family.

  58. I believe that his dream was achieved. Black people are treated equally now and can eat in the same restaurants with us. They have the same rights as we do. Some people are still racist but his dream was achieved. Most people treat them the same though, but there will always be those arrogant people who judge them by the color of their skin. As long as the government treats us all the same then we are equal. We can’t control what others say. Everyone is always judged, even us white people so his dream will never be fully achieved I guess.
