Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Journal #2 - "I Have a Dream"

In the "I Have a Dream" speech, Martin Luther King, Jr. says, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."

Do you believe his "dream" has been achieved or is there still work to be done?  Why?

Your entry should be at least 100 words and it needs to be posted by 10 PM on Friday, January 18th.


  1. There is still much work to be done because i feel that over the years we've started to regress into our former behavior of judging people. We started to get better at it in years past but now we are going down hill again because like in the past people are becoming more judgmental and it's a sad thing. As a nation we did not take past history into account and are now learning that history does in fact start to repeat itself which is obvious over the years of racial discrimination starting with even the early times when colored people were treated poorly. Hopefully America will eventually get past this stage of petty prejudice though.

  2. I still believe that there is work to be done. I believe that because people still base their judgements on color of skin. Whether it be a simple matter or a big matter. His speech tells that he wants his children to live in a world without judgement on the color of skin, but no matter what I think people will always think they are of higher stature because of their color. I don’t believe it should matter on your skin color. I think it should matter on your own judgments and your own actions as to how you may be placed or judged in the world.

  3. I believe that Martin Luther King Jr's dream has been achieved in some ways but it could still be worked on. Today we go to school with blacks, we share facilities with them, and we do not judge them by their color of skin. However, there are still some people in this world that are hard core racists. They do not believe blacks and whites should be together and they think we should be higher than them. But, I think that is wrong. God created blacks just like he created whites and I don't think there should be any reason for hatred or discrimination against blacks. In some ways Martin Luther's dream has been achieved but, there is still some work to be done for sure. We need the whole nation to come together and treat blacks equal!

  4. I believe that some of his dream has been accomplished but there is still a lot of colored people being judged. We have came a long ways since then and we do not yous them as slaves and they can go the the restroom were we do they can use a drinking fountain were we do they can go to the same hospital as we do ext. We still are mean to them though and that is not what Martin Luther King wanted. We still judge them by there color and we probably always will because we are Americans and we will judge them anyway we want because we think we are better than them.

  5. I think that this still has more work to go because there still are people that discriminate people. But then you have to think everyone is different. So by that the public has gotten a lot better and this has doesn't really need much more help. Heck people hire illegal immigrants so they don’t have to pay people as much money. Also there isn't “black” restaurants or “white” restaurants. The white people on a bus can’t go up to many black man and say “hey, that’s my seat!” Every man is not created equal no matter what color of their skin.

  6. I think his dream has started being achieved. But, I think it still needs some work. African Americans are not nearly as discriminated against as they used to be, but our nation is still far from achieving equality. African Americans are still treated differently in society. It's true that they are no longer turned into slaves or turned down for jobs because they are different. But, people still seem them as different. And to most people, different equals dangerous. I think things have gotten much better concerning discrimination, but this nation still has a long way to go.

  7. I believe there is still much work to be done. I still here a lot of racism and prejudice about any ethnicity. It doesn't matter if you're white, black, Asian, Latina, Aborigines, Danish, or an Eskimo, another race will find something to criticize you for. With today's loose rules and dwindling decency, hateful words and slang fly around like leaves in the wind with no consequence.
    I don't think society will ever see people for who they are, not what they look like. I try my best to be fair and non judgmental towards everyone, but not everybody else has the same morals and ideas as I do.

  8. I think his dream is in the process of achieving but it also needs some work. African American people now have equal rights with white people. They are allowed to vote and they can use the same bathrooms, water fountains, and schools as we can. This is how his dream is achieving. African Americans are getting much more rights as U.S. citizens then they ever have before. The reason it needs some work is because there are some people that still judge you by the color of your skin and they treat you differently. I don't think there will be a day when everybody treats them the same as they treat us.

  9. This dream has be improved but has not been completed yet. In the simple text his children did grow up to be in a nation where they are not judged. Though if you look in between the lines you can see that there are still judging on the color of skin. For example Muslims are still being judged by Americans today ever since September 11, 2001. Also in schools and children though it is not skin tone or religion we still see people that judge on outward appearance and push them a side and make them feel lower then themselves. We still need to work on it a lot but between blacks and whites I think we have improved a lot. Though I still believe that they are racist people out there we still have improved a lot in today culture.

  10. I personally don't think this "dream" has been achieved. It has somewhat been achieved but not fully. There are still a lot of people that judge others by the color of their skin. It is very wrong. There is still work to be done because people are still judging based on stuff that doesn't need to matter, instead of their character and their actions. Maybe if those people tried to understand how much they are hurting those people then maybe they wouldn't be so quick to judge them by the petty things. I think that one day this "dream" can be achieved, but it is going to need a lot of effort that most people don't want to give.

  11. I think the dream has been achieved somewhat. More white people are getting along with black people then they did back then. I still hear people making racist jokes all the time but I don't find them to be very funny. My cousin is half black and she acts just like white people, she's just a different color. Going back to the question though, I do think that the dream has came true to an extent. Hopefully one day it will be achieved fully.

  12. I don’t believe that Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream” speech has been quite achieved yet. To a certain degree I would say that it had progressed very far. People are not being held to such extreme circumstances just because of the color of their skin. They are able to live in a peaceful place. I don’t believe that the regular citizen would go out of their way to hurt someone just because of the color of their skin. On the other hand, discrimination is still an issue. I believe there are some sorts of organizations that come together because of their hate for people because of their skin color. There is all sorts of stereotypes for people with different color skin. White people think that people with darker skin are more likely to steal something or commit a crime and they might intentionally say things to them that is rude. There are many people who still have a big problem with different colored skinned people. I believe that Martin’s dream has come a long way but still has a long road ahead of it.

  13. I do belive in it because i think people should not judge people by there skin. He worked really hard to.All he wanted was, that blacks would not be sperate from the white wnd the blacks to not be misstreated just because they are black.His dream came true and i am happy that it became true.He wants whites and blacks to go to the same school.

  14. MLK's "dream" has been achieved for the most part. Colored people all around the U.S. are now considered equal to white people by the Government. The problem is that there are individuals, mostly in the south, who still have that ugly, racist, grudge that they inherit from generations of hatred towards colored people. To be honest, I, personally, doubt that the racism will actually "eventually" disappear. If in this modern age, racism is still such a big issue, as it is in the south, it wont ever go away no matter how hard people wish it would.

  15. I believe his dream has been achieved only a little bit.There is still work to be done.there are still people in the world who are racist and judge people only by the color of their skin.until there are no more racist and until people are all viewed based on who they are as a person Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream has still not really been achieved.People are still judged because how they look and even though things have gotten better there are still lots of racist out there and until there is no more judgement based on skin color the dream of Martin Luther King Jr. has not been fully achieved

  16. Martin Luther King Jr’s dream has been fulfilled. The dream he envisioned so many years ago has become a reality in America. The color of a person’s skin no longer determines their power or placement. Instead, we have almost submitted to making any ethnicity other than white priority in a lot of cases such as giving out jobs. Schools are integrated. People can be persecuted for being racist. There are powerful and wealthy people who have a hand in our country's politics.Our own president is African American and has now been elected twice. I don’t know if even Martin Luther King Jr. saw that in his wildest dreams...

  17. I beleive that his dream may have came true but farther in the future. He would indeed be happy with the way the world is now as far as school and other things. Although rascial discrimination is illegal it is still around today. I have to agree with his feelings and hopes and i believe it will only get better5 with time.

  18. I think his dream has came true but people are still racist. Some jobs wont hire black people and everyone thinks blacks rob everyone. But his dream came true because everyone is a free person and there is no more slave trading or anything anymore. Also Blacks and whites can go to the same school and be places together its just some people dont like black people such as rednecks.

  19. I believe that it has not came true but it some parts of the country it has because there are still some people out there who say blacks should use different things as us and still be slaves but in some parts they care for them and treat them like normal people. Martin Luther King Jr. made the world a less violent place for blacks but there is still work to be done because not all Americans treat them with the respect that they need because they all are human beings. They have all there rights it is just the people that don't treat them right.

  20. I believe that Martin Luther King Jr.’s “dream” still has work to be done. Yes we have come a long way but there is still racism in this world. I think there always will be, because You can't change what some people believe in and if generations have grown up with racism then they always will be. I do think though that as the years go there will be less and less. MLK’s “dream” will always be strong but never fully achieved.

  21. i think he's dream was complete because so many colored people today have jobs just because of one man an it has caused a lot of other things to happen an they were good. Martin Luther King Jr. was a brand new start for blacks. he gave them freedom an the right to live> with out him we wouldn't have such great people in our nation. i would thank Martin Luther King Jr. if he was here today he is my idle an he helps keep my dreams alive. (thank you)

  22. I think that Martin Luther Kings "dream" there still is work to be done. Some people I feel like we as Americans still no not give the same rights as blacks as they do for the whites. I think that we could equal it out a little bit more then we have been.

  23. I think Martin Luther's speech has been achieved over the years. I feel like there is still more work to be done. Not everyone in this world believes that his speech should been achieved for many reasons. Others probably do believe it should be achieved. In my opinion, I think everyone should understand where he's coming from. We (white people) don't have that problem where people are rude to each other and judge us by our color and not our character. We don't know what it's like. I'm sure it's not the best feeling so that's why everyone should take their time and understand the speech he is coming from. Maybe then there won't be so many people judging one another for the color of skin, but by the content of their character. Martin Luther Kind Jr. has made this world a less violent place for blacks in my opinion. Most whites do believe that there should be no judging but there is still some people in this world that don't understand what it's like to be judged by everyday. I also think that there is just a little more work to be done to get everyone to achieve Martin Luther's "I have a dream" speech.

  24. I do believe Martin Luther King Jr.'s "dream" has been mostly achieved. Racism in the world has lowered so much, that everything white people can do, African Americans can too. But I do believe there still is work to be done too, because the school I'm at right now is very racist. The comments I have heard are very hurtful. I also believe there is more work to be done because my little sister who is mixed goes to Boi D' Ark, and gets made fun of and tells me she has no friends. I also believe that blacks are still very racist as well, as I went to Jefferson City High School and lived among racism every day. That is why I believe his "dream" still has to be perfected.

  25. i thank that martin luther king jrs. deam was not achived and still needs work to this day beacuse racism still gose on. iv personaly seen racism over skin color and to be honest i dont think that it will ever end beacuse no matter what your gonna hate on people but the skin color is a easy target to ones the end its not realy about skin color its about who thinks there better so yes i think we still need to work on some stuff but there is alwas gonna be racist people out in the world wanting to hurt someone eles..

  26. No his work isn't done. Because there is still racism taking place all over the world. It isn't as bad as it was in the 1960's and back. But as long as there are people judged by the color of their skin there will be work to do. One example of racism is the Carthage Missouri cemetery, will not allow anyone who isn't white to be buried there. Because of a one hundred year contract. The contract is set to expire soon but it is still discrimination.

  27. I think that in a way it has African American people have alot more rights then they had at the time when he gave the i had a dream speech. To day mant African American people are looked at the same way that whites are, but there are many places that people do not treat them the same. African Americans have the same rights that whites have, but yet there are many people that still look at them different and judge them in a different way than they would judge white men and women. I think that African Americans rights have came a long ways since this speech was gave and has improved in many ways.

  28. I think his dream kinda of came true. Blacks and whites can go to the same school and they are aloud to be anywhere. The only people that dont really like blacks are rednecks and people that have been robbed by black people. I think his dream has came true and that people need to stop being so racist.

  29. I think there is still work to be done. There is still a lot of blacks and other races being judged. I have already seen and heard a lot of racist things towards blacks and other races. Since Martin Luther King Jr. has spoken, I'd admit there has been a huge change on how they were treated, but a lot of it is still there. A lot of blacks are racist towards whites because of the past and how white treated blacks so it's not only just whites who are racist toward blacks, there's a lot of racism all over the world.

  30. I believe that Martin Luther King Jr. dream has been realized but not in the way he imagined. Blacks are no longer judged by their color instead they judge other whether they are white, hes panic, Asian, or any other race they do just as much discriminating as the whites used to do to them. Martin Luther King Jr. believed in no racial discrimination but now the blacks have added their voice to the shouts of bigotry that has consumed our once glorious nation. The racism continues in a different way for the very mention of race is racist. The blacks are just as racist as the next man/woman.

  31. No i don't because there is still racism even though its not legal people still discriminate blacks

  32. I believe his dream has been achieved. Colored people are not ridiculed by the standards that they used to be. Colored people and white people all have the same rules and they are treated as one. We are all treated equal.

  33. I think that his dream has yet to be achieved. There is lots of work to be done and now people don't only judge on skin color but they judge on you clothes, looks, and anything else they can think of. In Ash Grove High School, there are not many black people so if for some reason we got more they probably would be judged because, honestly, Ash Grove wouldn't know how to react to African American people. Throughout the world, there are still many KKK groups. You don't hear about it but the killings are still happening. I think that is crazy. I think a lot of work is still to be done but we have made progress and that has to count for something.

  34. I think that his "dream" still has some work that needs to be done on it. Even though people are a bit more receptive to differences in people there is still the issue that people can't accept a person for who they are. While people don't judge on what color they are now, those people judge harshly by what people like you have done instead of realizing that you are completely different from that specific type of people. So instead of judging that person by their own actions they judge them depending on someone else's actions and think that two people are going to be exactly the same.

  35. Yes, I think his dream has been mostly achieved. There are African-American people all over the U.S. accomplishing great things because they live in a society that does not discriminate anymore. The United States has a African-American president. That proves that discrimination isn't as heavy as it used to be. There is still racism, and hatred towards black people all over but that is most likely to never change. There is nothing we can do about it. Our society and country has grown so much towards black people since the "I have a dream speech".

  36. I think things have changed for the better since he said his "I Have a Dream" speech. I don't think that his dream has been completely achieved though. People are still judged by their skin color and their character. People aren't judged as bad as they used to be, but there are still a lot of people that judge others for their skin color. So even though a lot has happened since he made his speech I think there is still work to be done toward his "I Have a Dream" speech, there is just not as much work to be done as there was in the past.

  37. Yes i do believe in his dream because it has accomplished in the future. Blacks and white are in the same school and jobs. They are combined together to work. You see them all over town, businesses,school, cities, even homeless ones. His dream has done something good to America by putting the blacks and whites together. It doesn't matter by what race or color you just have to be yourself and be kind to one another.

  38. There is still much work to be done. We have gotten very far but there are still bumps in the road. To get ahead we need to make sure that there aren't any raciest comments floating around. Though we shouldn't go at this the wrong way we should shouldn't do any harm. But most of all we should make this world a better place not just for whites but for blacks as well we should follow are four fathers plan there great Declaration of Independence because all men are created equal.

  39. I think we've made major improvements in his "dream," but I don't think we're all the way there. Actually, I think we've run into another problem. Colored people don't often try to act the same as whites. Yes, stereotypes are easy to make, everyone does it. Not every colored person is like the next. But there's a wide range of people who do fit into the stereotypical category everyone has created for the average colored person. They don't actually TRY to act like we are one race. That doesn't make people's judgments fair, or justified, but every human being is obligated to their own opinions. Some things in life just cloud our vision. That's the point of living and learning.

  40. I believe in this because this caused many up rises that lead the black people to get there freedoms in the Americas. It lead to the equality to where the blacks still weren't equal but they were closer to being the same as the white people. That one day when Rosa Parks got arrested was when the commotion first started and then the blacks were on their road to success. She got arrested for not giving up her seat to a white person. She stood up for her freedoms and then got arrested. That is not right how the government gives you writes then can just take them away by saying so. This is was started Martin Luther King Jr. to start on his speeches.

  41. I believe that his speech did help, but there is still work to be done. Many schools have problems with racism. I think another way that we can help Dr. Martin Luther King JR's dream come true is to not make racist comments or jokes. Even if you are just joking it is still racist. Another way is to spread the word that all people are equal, no matter what race, religion, or cultural background they are from. Martin Luther King did not lay his life down for nothing. He died for a cause that he wanted to be heard. For a dream that he wanted to become reality.

  42. I believe that it hasnt worked fully, because on most internet related things, racism is everywhere.
    Alot of people on the internet will be racist towards other people, and sometimes they're not even what the person calls them out to be. In the slums of most cities, people call out other races and people, mainly blacks, to be robbers or thugs. There is alot of racism in sports too. On TV shows, there is racism towards Asians always being in dry cleaning places, and black people trying to kill or rob people, like in gangs. So I think his "Dream" hasn't fully done what he wanted to do.

  43. I think there is still work to be done. Not everybody believes it's right yet. My opinion is that whether people like it or not people are people and it doesn't matter that they're different than you. But some people just don't get that what he was saying is a good idea and they don't like the fact that there are people out there who are different than them. Therefore they make trouble. Yes I do believe his "quote" needs to be practiced still by many. But that doesn't mean they'll do it on their own..?? Honestly if more people would just keep to themselves instead of trying so hard to make others act and be like them...It wouldn't need help.


  44. There is still work to be done, because racial acts are still happening today, but the world, and the United States especially, has come far from the racially charged hatred that has existed for so long. People are still judged by the color of their skin, but to a lesser extent of what they were one hundred years ago. To add to that, today people, both black and white, are judged not only of their skin tone, but where they are from. This new stereotype has caused a greater rift in society adding to the original difference. So in conclusion, we as a society have begun to fill out Martin Luther’s dream, but we have a while to go before we are truly equal.

  45. I believe that there is still work to be done in that area. People still do not allow blacks into the same areas, jobs, or military branches like whites. On the news you people attacking religious groups or foreign people. If anything we have mostly moved on to a new group of people to discriminate against. If we are threatened by a group or attacked by a group on our home turf we panic and get innocent people arrested because of what some other person or group did. I believe that people need to start to calm down and stop accusing people or a group of people that have done nothing wrong or anything that you feel threatened about.

  46. I believe his dream has been achieved because people are no longer judged by the color of their skin. The are judged more on their actions and values. Though some people may still be prejudice because of color, his dream has been achieved by the fact that the majority of people don't discriminate on color. If his dream had not been achieved many,or everything for all we know,would still be segregated.People are no longer stereotyped by color and are allowed all the privileges that where once withheld from them. And it proves now that :I believe his dream has been achieved because people are no longer judged by the color of their skin. The are judged more on their actions and values. Though some people may still be prejudice because of color, his dream has been achieved by the fact that the majority of people don't discriminate on color. If his dream had not been achieved many,or everything for all we know,would still be segregated.People are no longer stereotyped by color and are allowed all the privileges that where once withheld from them. It provides truth to "all men are created equal."

  47. Martin Luther King, Jr. does makes a point of what he want four his kids but everyone does. In his speech about his dream of his kids living in a nation where they would not be judged by the color of skin. Has gotten better then back when he made the speech at least most don't judge people do to their color. Some do still but not as bad. I would say that people are going to end up being judged for at least one thing in their life time. I would say that people are still being judged by their character this day. Or being judged by the way they do something. Overall it has gotten a lot better then back when Martin Luther King, Jr. made his speech about people judging others do to the color of their skin.

  48. I think that the world has believed that it has came true. Personally though, I think that we still need work. I don't think that it's super bad, but I think that there is still judgement on people's skin color. Also, I think that there is more of it in bigger cities with a lot bigger of a mix between Whites and Blacks. The best thing that I think we can do it not follow and do what our forefathers did, and we should just treat them as you would treat anyone else because they are the same. Overall, I think that Martin Luther King Jr. would be proud on what America is like now, and how much it has changed since he lived.

  49. I believe that his dream has been achieved by most. There are some that are still raised to hate blacks but blacks are now respected as a equal to whites. If everyone can just be tough that everyone is equal no matter there skin color the world would be much better off. The reason this dream took so long to be achieved was i think the reason the people in the past treateded them as slaves so from that everyone just thought they were slaves in tell later.
