Monday, January 28, 2013

Journal #3 - Wordsworth's Words

British poet, William Wordsworth once wrote, "My heart leaps up with I behold a rainbow in the sky."  Think about a phenomenon of nature that moves you.  Using sensory, descriptive language, write a description of your feelings caused by this phenomenon of nature."


  1. the hot weather makes me fell nasty beacuse of the warm sweat runnin down. the cold makes my face throb like the lights on a plain

    1. The hot weather is bad sometimes but it better than cold. I do agree with you that sometime if its too hot its not so good.

  2. when i think about nature i think about chickens and deer and the woods and how i loved hailey's chickens before my dogs got them. I like the woods because it hides me from the world

    1. every one has something they can hide behind. if not the world would be a much crazier place.

    2. it is verrry discripted . i liked how you mentioned the animals. adding friends are a good way of showing that you are happy

    3. Short, sweat and confusing. How what do chickens have to do with the weather?

    4. Being hidden from the world is sometimes the best feeling you can possibly get. I feel the same sometimes.

  3. I am so happy right now its like i have been laying in the warm sun counting butterfly shaped clouds. I feel as if i have been jumping over pretty rainbows in the summer, or swiming in crystle clear oceans. Sometimes I am angry and its like im in a middle of a thunder storm, or im a metor crashing to earth. But right now im cheery.

    1. element of nature are very influential. the biggest two are rain and warm summer days i under stand what you mean about the thunder storms

    2. I enjoyed this paragraph. You explained everything in details. I can agree with you on most of this! I am also happy as well :)

    3. This is very interesting and you give good detail. I wish i could be as happy as you all the time counting butter fly's and so joyful,

    4. how does this relate to how you feel about weather phenomenons?

    5. I like the good detail with the meteor crashing to the Earth and about you counting butterflies.

    6. You did a good job with the details and had a good metaphor with the meteor crashing to the Earth.

    7. I like the way you wrote that. I can feel like i'm doing the same. I like the details and feelings you put into that.

  4. Nature makes me feel good about myself. It makes me feel as if I've never been sad or anything has gone wrong. Sometimes, nature makes me feel tired when its storming, when the sun is shining it makes me feel really good. It makes me happy to just go outside and see the beautiful sky. Or when it's snowing, it makes me just want to go play outside or make hot chocolate. All nature makes me feel good about myself basically.

    1. I love this. I beleive this something that happens with everyone. The nature is a pieceful, but ravenis place.

    2. there is always that one weather condition that you love more then the rest and rain and the suns the biggest mood changers

    3. I very much agree with this. Nature always seems to change the emotions of everyone.

    4. I very much agree with this. The different weather conditions always seem to change the emotions of everyone.

  5. the sight of thunder makes me sleepy as can be i love the flash of light it gives off looking like a sos the rain makes me happy s a new baby learning to walk

  6. Something that really fascinates me in nature is when I see two rainbows in the sky at once. It's pretty unusual to see an amazing clear rainbow across a blue sunny sky after it rains, but to see two at the same time is an extraordinarily rare phenomenon that makes my eyes light up because I can only recall seeing this happen once. You have to have lots of luck to see one, but only good luck to see two.

    1. double rainbows are awesome. i wish to see one day. you have a very vivid thoughts.

    2. I feel the same way that you do, because i have seen one like that before.

    3. I feel the same way you do too, because i have seen a double rainbow in real life. It was pretty cool.

    4. Hailey I think you did really good at this. You had such good details that as I was reading this I could completely picture you standing there and seeing a double rainbow.

    5. You used very good descriptive language! I have seen one before too and they are really awesome!

  7. When the sky fills up with a thunderous roar and the clouds begin to circle, my heart begins to hasten and adrenaline courses through my body. This is the true peace through the chaos of nature life fills the void and I witness the full wonders of god

    1. Great job writting this. When reading this i feel attached to it. As any peom shows this has great feeling.

  8. I love summer rainstorms. They are fun to play in. And I also hate the cold so its fun to go outside in the heat and play in some water.

    1. This was pretty good. I feel like you could have been a little more descriptive language about how they are fun to play in. But overall you did pretty well. I'm proud of you.

    2. I really liked these three sentences. I can agree with you on having fun in some water in the summer. I also hate the cold so I'm right there with you on that!

    3. You tell what you like but I beleive you need to tell how you really feel. You peom has good topic it just is missing the creative detail.

    4. It is short and sweet to the point. You did a good job. It wouldn't hurt if you made it a little longer.

    5. It was good. I agree I hate the cold too. But you could of described it a little better.

  9. I love the summer sunny days. How the fresh air fills the summer day. The summer day makes me feel so happy inside more than the other days. The warm feeling it gives and that you are not always trapped in the house to where you are limited the things that you can do.

    1. Pretty good. But not enough detail. I know you can do it if you give a little effort. Maybe you could add some more things that make you happy during the summer. But a very good effort. Good job.

    2. I agree with you i really enjoy being outside. I enjoy the endless freedom you have outside and the warmth of the sun.

    3. I totally understand the "trapped in the house" part. I absolutely hate that. Great detail and way to be creative!

    4. I totally agree with the "trapped in the house" part. I hate that. Great job, I loved the detail!

    5. I think it is really good and i love being outside. I cant wait for summer it is going to be really fun. You had really good detail.

    6. Good job! It was described very well!

  10. The perfect sunset: The fire that resides in the sky that allows such a peace distilled in me it is almost like floating on a cloud. It is the perfect mixture of clouds and sunset. One thing i want to do before I die is go sky diving during this phenomenon.

    1. I like your wording Eddie, its very profound. And good luck sky diving!

    2. I think it would be really cool to go skydiving while watching the sunset as long as it was timed right! I agree that it is peaceful to watch the sunset.

  11. during a thunder storm i get excited. i love how the purple an gray clouds look when they come an go. when i see the purple lightning shoot from the sky it makes my heart pound. the storm makes me feel as if i alone can wiled anything an be anything. storms help me see whats going on. my thought about storms are like little breaks when things get bad, everyone stays in side an become clam. hot heads being cooled by the soft blow of winds. thats what moves me

  12. The type of weather that moves me is the fall, the best kind of weather in when it rains in the fall, how it feels to walk outside after it rains the fresh air and the smell of rain.This is my favorite kind of weather because it just makes the day better and its always the perfect temp right after if rains.

    1. I love rain. And the fall. Everything is so crisp and peaceful! Loved the detail and way to be creative. Good job!

  13. A phenomenon of nature that moves me is thunderstorms. When I'm standing outside during a thunderstorm i feel like i am able to just sit there a think about anything on my mind or when I'm upset i go for a run, when it's just raining. Thunderstorms and rainfalls are very interesting to me for some reason. When i hear thunder in a thunderstorm i always count in between each thunder and lightening to see how far away the lightening is to see how long it'll take for it to get to me. I always wait for a beautiful rainbow after wards also. Thunderstorms are what get me thinking mostly about my life or some things I'm going through.

  14. When the sky is filled with a horrifying roar and the clouds begin to circle, my heart begins to race and adrenaline pumps through my body I am filled with the true wrath of nature and find peace in the chaos

  15. a phenomenon of nature that moves me would be the Aurora Lights in Alaska. At night you could see all the lights in the sky that looked like a a mist. They would contain purples and greens and some yellows in the middle but you could only see them on some nights. Another one would be a ice storm when the ice freezes on trees because it makes you wonder how could have the drain freeze in mid drop on that tree branch.

    1. I never though about the Aurora Lights they seem very cool to see. Good job at showing a image in your writing.

    2. Jack, i bet you have seen them before and i wish i could see them too.

    3. I never thought about the lights they seem cool to see. Also good job at showing imagery in your writing.

    4. I am jealous! I want to see the aurora lights..My favorite is the ice storm too. Good imagery.

  16. The rainbow makes me feel happy and peaceful. whenever i see it i think of the calm after a storm. But during an ice storm i feel restless and adventurous, like i want to go explore the new wold of ice and cold, two things which I really like.

    1. You did good with explaining your feelings about the rainbow. I like how you explain what about the rainbow you like and what you do after the storm.

    2. Good job Robert, i like ice storms too!

    3. Rainbows make me happy after storms too. Good Job with imagery.

    4. Rainbows make me happy after storms too. Good Job with imagery.

    5. Good job dude! I hate ice storms though.

  17. My favorite weather phenomenon is an ice storm. I was recently reminded of this beauty because we had a small ice storm. Everything shines and it is just simple beauty. When the sun shines on the trees or my yard it is like a field of diamonds or a twinkling Christmas tree that is covered from top to bottom in lights. There are really no words to describe the beauty of it. Everything sparkles and it makes your mind wander. I was walking to the bus a couple of weeks ago and the sun was just starting to rise, the sky was different shades of pink and yellow and the tips of the trees were the only things getting sunlight. It was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. During winter, the sky seems to be dark all of the time so when we get an ice storm it is a nice change of brightness.

    1. The ice storm looked very cool outside but i personal didn't like them. Good use of descriptive detail.

    2. The ice storm looked very cool outside but i personal didn't like them. Good use of descriptive detail.

    3. Wow girl this was awesome! You had a lot of detail and i love how you described everything! You are good at this kind of stuff!

  18. I love rain, because everytime i see rain, I just want to pull out my ocarina and play the "Song of Storms" from the Legend of Zelda games. In that song, everytime you play it, it rains. I love the harmony of the song and also the rain dropping and hitting the ground. I love the smell of rain, and going outside in the rain after a long day of work. It always refreshes me. I also love the rays of sunshine right after it gets done raining. In the Legend of Zelda OOT, the "Suns Song" is how you make the weather turn into a sunny day, or night time. I just love to sing or play the songs of the legend of zelda games because they remind me of my childhood, and the weather in real life remind me of the songs in the game.

    1. wow.... that was amazing that had so many details that helped me see what type of rain you like. Also i liked the reasons why you like the rain.

    2. Good job, that game sounds fun keep up the good work.

    3. Nice job relating the zelda's song of storms to the rain of our world

  19. A phenomenon that I love is thunderstorms in the daytime with a dark, cloudy sky. I like it that way because I love warm weather. The air is warmer, the air smells better. I also love the sound of thunder. It's just like music. I like it because it is uncontrollable and loud. I always want to be outside during a thunderstorm because it just moves me.

    1. Thunderstorms are amazing, that is until you are in the middle of one fried by lightning.

    2. I love warm weather too so I can relate. You did good describing the temperature during the thunderstorm.

    3. You did a good job describing this weather phenomenon. The way you connected it with music was quite interesting. But personally I prefer a clear warm day over a stormy one anytime. Over all your blog was worthwhile.

  20. One phenomenon that moves me are lightning storms because of the electricity in the air and the bright lights that flash and get your attention to look at it then boom another one and you turn your to look at that one but it's too late.The feelings are almost like your helpless and and small compared to the rest of the world. Once the storm is over though you get the nice cool breeze of the spring air right behind a cold front that just makes everything better.

    1. Me too. I wrote about lightning.

    2. Good thoughts and decriptive nature. good job Anthony.

    3. I also enjoy lightning storms Micheal. We are alike in many ways. I like how you put that your helpless and small compared to the rest of the world.

    4. I also enjoy lightning storms Micheal. We are alike in many ways. I like how you put that your helpless and small compared to the rest of the world.

  21. A weather phenomenon that moves me is thunderstorms. The pitter patter of rain on the windows and roof is a calm, tranquil sound. The loud crash and boom of thunder resides deep in your chest as its natural bass sounds. Its the balance between the raging storm outside and the calm surroundings inside that make thunderstorms the weather phenomenon that moves me.

    1. It feels like I am actually in the storm when you describe it.

    2. I agree Taylor. Even though, sometimes when I'm home alone the loud crash is enough to freak me out. Everything about a storm is enough to bring everything natural out of something.

    3. I completely agree with the striking difference in the surroundings. The description makes you feel as though you are there in the storm. It was written very well.

  22. My favorite phenomenon is probably seeing a rainbow. They are always so beautiful and none of them are ever the same looking. I like how it looks when it appears in the sky or in puddles. The brightness of all the colors standing out in its surroundings. I love looking at the rainbows and seeing a shimmering light that seems to radiate off the colors. I think they are probably one of the most beautiful things to be found in nature.

    1. You did a very good job at using descriptive words about rainbows. Good job!

  23. A storm brews beneath the surface. All nature pauses to watch, as the light dances it's way across the sky and the sky applauds its wonderful friend. I behold it all as it makes it's opening act the clouds wrench open. Through full certainty it describes completely how I could feel... even on a good day. The clouds mirroring my own disappointment as it all begins to fade with the gray of the sky and the pitter patter of their tears falling on the sidewalk.

    1. This is beautiful. It sounds like a poem already written. The language uses imagery to describe the beauty of the storm.

    2. I like it. I know how you feel cause i have the same feelings as you do. Like the details and everything you said in the blog

    3. I love your interpretation of the weather. I could read this over and over again and never get tired of reading it. The descriptive words are phenomenal and I love it!

    4. Very descriptive and you did a good job of using lots of personification.

  24. I always like watching the weather, but I feel most "touched" by the more reckless, powerful storms. Tornadoes, thunder, flooding, snow, and ice. Seeing something so destructive happen to the world around me makes me wonder just when the world is going to end. Sometimes it scares me, like this summer when wildfires kept springing up out of nowhere. I felt like that really could be it. The end. Thank goodness it wasn't. I feel like God uses these weather phenomenons to frighten me, to show me how easily he could destroy this world, like snapping his holy fingers. Then again, perhaps he is simply showing me how it's just as easy for him to fix it; how he can use these same monstrous storms to repair what is already broken. A dead, old tree, fallen by the means of a slim strike of lightning. A new one growing in his place. Maybe I'm fascinated by dangerous weather because I see it as a way God communicates, in poetry almost.

    1. This is awesome. I like how you use good details and how you create imagery. I like how you include God in your poem and you give him the credit. That is awesome!

  25. A phenomenon of nature that moves me would be a thunder storm. I would choose a thunder storm because every time lightning strikes, there is most always going to be a big eruption of light and thunder. My favorite part is when the thunder shakes the house or wherever you are, and you can feel it's low rumble. I also like how when it is dark, and when lightning strikes, it lights up everything outside. It kind of gives me a shot of adrenaline in a way.

    1. The thunderstorms are interesting to me too. It is just i think the lightning is even more interesting.

    2. I also like the part where it shakes the house.

    3. This was a very interesting reply. I also love it when it lights up the sky and you can see the distinct ripples in the lightning bolts. It was full of great ideas but the paragraph itself was kind of choppy. Use better transitions and you'll be set.

  26. A phenomenon of nature that moves me is storms. Storms in general. Snow storms, rain storms, ice storms, tornadoes, ect. One of my favorite storms are ice storms. Ice storms are gorgeous, the way the long, clear, cold icicle is hanging down from trees and fences. I love the way it makes grass crunchy. Alot of times I'll go outside just to break an icicle off to taste the cold freshness of it. My favorite part off ice storms are when the sun come up and reflects off of the beautiful trees and grass. It looks like the earth is covered in glass.

    1. Nice description Spencer. Ice Storms do tend to have beauty in them, even if they cause your power to go out. Like how you put in description word that makes people visualize it.

  27. A phenomenon of nature that moves me is storms. Storms in general. Snow storms, rain storms, ice storms, tornadoes, ect. One of my favorite storms are ice storms. Ice storms are gorgeous, the way the long, clear, cold icicle is hanging down from trees and fences. I love the way it makes grass crunchy. Alot of times I'll go outside just to break an icicle off to taste the cold freshness of it. My favorite part off ice storms are when the sun come up and reflects off of the beautiful trees and grass. It looks like the earth is covered in glass.

    1. Wow. You did yours twice. What an overachiever. I actually agree with you on the ice storms part though. Thats pretty cool.

  28. A weather phenomenon that i find very interesting is the lightning storms. I don't see how a threadlike, light, can travel so fast. Like say you take Bolt, the fastest 100 meter sprinter in the world. Maybe make him like i don't know, maybe 100, 000 times faster and you have lightning. I know the particles are electrically charged in the cloud and when they have to many a discharge or like to call poop is exiled from this big puffy, dull cloud. This bolt that is discharged can kill you in an instant like a gunshot if your not safe. I just don't see how it does it so fast. Like when you drink water on a hot day of exercising and you can feel it going to your stomach just like 100 times faster with an electric current. Just something to think about.

    1. just amazing. the way you told me about how fast lighting was and how fast you need to make bolt to equal lighting that is just fast..... I also like some of the Descriptive words you used.

    2. You did a very good job. I like how you describe how fast lightning is, and then compare it to Bolt.

  29. My feelings are about the cause of the nature is pure goodness, love, joy, happiness, and beautiful. Nature moves me because of the sound of birds chirping/ singing, smell of the grass, the sight of beautiful flowers,and seeing a beautiful rainbow after it rains. the cool breeze that flows through your hair and the sun shining on you while your running in the wind feeling good about yourself and your friends. Laying on the grass and watching the clouds making shapes and thinking what they are making. Those are the feelings that i get by the phenomenon of nature. :)

    1. Nice, Cowgirl, you described nature good. I like how you add some of your personality in your writing and it's not noticeable that much. :D
      Nice prospective on nature.

  30. One of the natural phenomenons that amaze me is a tornado. The fierce winds that can send a single, skinny blade of grass through the side of a sturdy building send me into a sort of awe. I realize the 100+ mile an hour winds are deadly, but there is a sort of beauty in the destructive force of a funnel cloud. Am I slightly scared by the incredible force? Yes, because these monstrous tunnels can flatten homes and destroy lives, but at the same time, I am amazed that something as simple as the wind that gently blows through trees on summer days can turn violent and destructive.

    1. I like yours a lot. I like how you picked a tornado because it is different. I like how you describe the beauty of it but yet you also describe the other side, the not so good side.I like how you add a question in your writing and answer it and then you go on to tell why you answered it the way you did.

    2. Fantastic! You created a picture and showed the horrifying beauty that people don't often see.

    3. I really like how you create a balance to your reply. It's like you create a yin and yang to in. How a tornado is amazing yet is dangerous enough to cause and create fear and panic. It creates this balance that shows both sides yet brings out the things that you want to make a point about.

    4. Great phrase at the end, it gives it that impact of seeing through things as wind. I too think tornados are cool but that scare me never the less. I think you described this very well.

  31. A phenomenon about nature that moves me is when sometimes after a volcano has erupted there is this liquid sand like substance that can flow out of the volcano and form a stream that burns everything in its path. sometimes if the volcano is near a town the liquid can flow right through the town and unless people are looking directly at it they have no idea about it until it is to late. You can avoid it if you see it ahead of time and dive out of the way but it is very dangerous, But thankfully it is very rare that the liquid flows out of the volcano.

    1. This is some thing else I dont think any one used. volcano are pretty breath taking. you should have mentioned a pyroclastic flow, because those are cool too

    2. Really good. you should also mention the pyroclastic flow, those are cool too

    3. really good, you should mention a pyroclastic flow too because those come from a volcano and they make no sense at all

    4. This is good man better then mine that's for sure. i like how you related the lava to sand.

    5. This is a really good post. You used good descriptive language but I'm not sure it's possible to dive out of the way of lava if you know what i mean. It would be kind've hard to do! But hey good job man keep it up!

  32. When everything else melts away, going from the world of reality to what ever i want it to be. When i smell that sweet smell of woods and fresh air. The open sky and the soft sounds of water running downstream. The beautiful sounds of birds squawking and seeing them soar through the air like they have no worries in the world. That place i wish i could stay forever.

    1. That's really good! I feel about the same, especially when we're out walking in the country side or in the woods.

  33. The picture of that rainbow is really cool looking. I would say after a long time of rain a rainbow would just brighten it up. The one that moves me most is a bright sunny day, with the temperature about eighty degrees, with a warm wind about five miles per hour if that. The one i dislike the most would have to be a tornado, but the just destroy ever thing. There are some cool picture of tornadoes thought.

  34. I love snow I love just being with my family trapped by it all. I love how it brings us closer and how it engulfs the ground and is white all around. I love to see it in tiny tornadoes whirling around. I love snow and how it brings my family closer its the one time we don't argue and I love it. I love to see us huddling by the fire for warmth when there's no power. That's why I love snow.

    1. I like all the descriptive words you used. I wish that sometimes me and my family could be like that. It really inspired me reading your blog.

  35. Right before a rain, thunder, or even a tornado i tend to get excited and happy. I love to stand outside in the rain and let it drench me in water, i love the smell before, during, and after the rain. for thunderstorms i like to sit by a window and watch as the lightning flashes and shows the outlines of objects out in my fields. It gives the whole place an ominous look to it up against the dark sky. The same can be said for tornado's, i'll gladly watch a tornado's storm as long it is not near me. I love it because all of the lighting strikes either at once or one after the other in an insane rate. I could sit and watch for hours. it puts into a trance, it calms my heart, quiets my mind as i watch it strike. it is as if some type of god or goddess is angry with us and her animals.

    1. Scott you used fantastic imagery. I have to say I agree with this, your descriptions were fantastic in my opinion.

    2. I like your reply, Scott. It shows brings out a good majority of the good in storms. Like how the smell of rain could calm a person. Plus how the light from lightning outlines objects, it kinda gives stuff a silver lining.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. The picture of that rainbow is really cool looking. I would say after a long time of rain a rainbow would just brighten it up. The one that moves me most is a bright sunny day, with the temperature about eighty degrees, with a warm wind about five miles per hour if that. The one i dislike the most would have to be a tornado, but the just destroy ever thing. There are some cool picture of tornadoes thought.

  38. When I am at home on the weekend or a break relaxing and it starts raining I love it. I love to look out the window or sit on the porch and watch it rain. The rain is soothing and relaxes me even more. I even like it when there is a little bit of thunder and lightning. It is awesome with all of the different patterns of lightning in the sky. I feel all calm when the rain is falling as I hear it hit the roof or sidewalks.

    1. I feel the same way about storms and rain, i always sit outside or in my window and watch the storm. It gets me thinking about alot.

    2. I love the sound of rain when your laying in bed at night and the whole house is silent except for the sound of the raindrops that hit the tin roof. I think sound its just the most soothing sound there is. I sound of the thunder rolling in the distance above and the way the lighting lights up the sky in the dead of the night.

    3. I love the sound of rain too! It's perfect. Great job. I loved it!

  39. When it starts raining and there isn't a cloud in the sky. It's beautiful with the radiant brightness of the sun and the coolness of the little droplets of rain pouring down upon you. It's amazing to see just what kind of weather you can have and to see in the world.

    1. Kelsey those little words that describe so much. I liked the vivid words you used to describe something so simple.

    2. I love your description! And I agree. It is very beautiful seeing raindrops fall from the clear blue sky. You know how to describe well:)

    3. Very well written, Kelsey! I love how you describe how the rain looks. I also agree that it is very beautiful seeing raindrops fall from the clear blue sky. Good job

    4. Very simple. But still very good! Good vivid language! :)

    5. The way you described the rain was incredible. I wish i had your talent! Great job Kelsey!

  40. When I am outside with the wind blowing gently, I feel as if I'm in a peaceful place. Just the feeling of a cool breeze on a warm day really makes you feel peaceful and comforted. I love the feeling of wind blowing my hair, as long as it doesn't get messed up, and the wind blowing me around the yard. The sound of wind is very beautiful too. It's like it's calling me to go outside and experience its greatness.

    1. Nice. I enjoyed, "I love the feeling of the wind blowing my hair, as long as it doesn't get messed up,"
      Haha! Good poem though.

    2. I loved the part that said, " I love the feeling of the wind blowing my hair, as long as it doesn't get messed up,"
      Haha! Good poem though.

  41. A phenomenon of nature that moves me has got to be tsunami. The massive power of the towering wall of sheer strength has always moved me. The deadly force of this is terrible and it stops you in your tracks when you look at it and realize just how fragile life is. My feelings are just in awe of the incredible power of it. Whenever I hear about one I instantly am floored and feel sad for the dead and the loved ones who are affected by it but I also realize that it is a fact of nature and we have no control over it. It puts life in a perspective that on day to day occurrences you just don't realize and it is a scary fact. However it does move me and while I would never want to live through one I am moved by it.

    1. I don't think any one else used the tsunami so its original. But i wonder, did you use this because it can move you?

    2. Writing about a tsunami was a very good idea. I like the way that you incorporated all the feelings of yourself and other people. I like how you describe the power of it. which I thought was great. Also, I liked how you talked about it in a greater sense, how it was just a part of life and we have to adapt. Great job!

  42. This makes me feel like the guy should be inside because the clouds look like it will be raining. Or it already has rained and that's why the rainbow is there. But it still looks pretty cool. You don't ever really see a rainbow right above you. That kind of makes you think is it photo shopped. Also with his hands in the air kind of on a mountain he reminds me of Rocky. Or even on top of the world feeling. I just wonder if he has looked at both end to see if there was actually a pot of gold or not.

    1. I like how you put your perspective on things. I hadn't ever really thought of rainbows that way. Great job making me think!

  43. Thunderstorms always make me feel energized and alive. It's as if the bright lights are actually touching me, and shocking me with their brilliance. The winds, cold in me hair makes me hypersensitive to everything around me. I feel every drop of rain on my skin and the thunder beats inside my heart like the thumping of bass in a too-loud song. I love thunderstorms simple because they make me feel as though I could fly up into the dark storm clouds and never come down.

    1. WOW.... That was really really good and descriptive! The part that says the thunder beats inside my heart like a thumping of bass in a too-loud song really made me love the poem. You are soooo descriptive! Keep it up:)

  44. A phenomenon of nature that moves me would be thunder storms.the feelings that thunder storms have given me have changed over the years. When i was a little kid thunder storms terrified me so much that i couldn't go to sleep at night if i knew one was occurring. Now i like thunder storms and i like to listen to them.unfortunately as soon as i begin to like them i never seem to see them anymore.the lightning that occurs in thunderstorms has always fascinated me and is now one of my favorite things to watch.

    1. Good job man I like the lighting to. Keep up the good work.

  45. I think that a rainbow is the best phenomenon you could pick because they are one of the easiest ones you can describe. They are really cool and kinda a freak of nature. It is really weird how they form because it looks like it takes a lot of work. It is really pretty easy though because all it is, is reflection and it makes the different colors.You wouldn't think that nature could make something so extraordinary as that.It is really cool because it is not something humans are making it happens in nature. It is also really cool because there are lots of sayings like there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

    1. I think you are correct and it is really neat on how they form.

    2. We never know where they come from either and you cant find the beginning or the end. It really is amazing.

  46. The phenomenon of rain amazes me. The fact that heavy drops of water can fall from a weightless sky is fascinating. The best and most pure feeling in the world for me is being outside in a summer rain. With my shoes off and hands out at both sides, i feel the droplets begin to splash off my nose and run down my chin. The air is suddenly dense. But it is not in a claustrophobic sense, instead it is a close very in-the-moment feeling as the air is thicker and you can feel it entering your lungs. Since this is a summer rain, the atmosphere has cooled off just enough to give the world a break from the sweltering heat. Then as fast as it came it leaves.

    1. this is so good Claira i love the description you gave..i could picture the moment in my head

    2. Very good describing words you used! I really enjoyed it! I could tell that you really do like it by the effort you put into it by describing it! Great!

    3. Very good use of descriptive details to describe the rain as well as the things around it like the air or the clouds. You found very good ways to describe the actions you have along with the feelings. Also you use the sense of touch very well to describe the phenomenon!

  47. My phenomenon of nature that moves me is Rain. Rain is just so calming and peace full. Rain makes everything seem better. There's nothing better than running through the rain and jumping in mud puddles and just having a good time with your friends. When rain falls to the earth it is nurturing all the plants that god created and also all the animals that live on earth. Rain just brings so much to the earth it just makes everything so peaceful and tranquil that all you want to do is close your eyes and listen. I think that's what the creator was trying to say when he created rain,now it's time to stop whatever you are doing and just listen, listen to what I have created for you.

    1. good job Elizabeth, you did excellent.

    2. I like the way you appealed to the sense of sound and how you described "jumping into mud puddles".

    3. I like this poem! You did a great job of explaining why you like rain and how it makes everything better. I like how you describe what you like to do when it rains, like running through mud puddles. good job!

    4. Dang girl...this is good. Involving God into your work? That's legit! Great job Elizabeth!

  48. The smell of small droplets falling from the sky is quite a phenomenon. Most people don't like rain just because it makes you wet and of course, your hair gets messed up. I think that rain is beautiful. The smell of it just puts me to sleep every time, as well as the sound of it. Rain helps our nature grow and makes the grass greener. Everything is always good when it rains. Except for those nasty tornadoes.The most phenomenal thing about rain is the rainbow it produces after or during the rainfall. I don't like the thunder or lightning part though. Just a nice summer rainfall is perfect.

    1. I like how descriptive you are in this poem. I like how you explain why you like rain and stuff. very good!

    2. You did really well Christen! I liked how you put alot of details describing the rain and how it smelled! I really made me think about rain! Good Job.

  49. I think a rainbow is the best phenomenon because its pretty easy discribe to people. the rainbow is pretty cool because its colors in the sky that dissapers after a while and you cant see it any more.Besides you dont get to see a rainbow every day or when u want to see a rainbow.I think a rainbow is really cool to see because it can make people happy to see a rainbow.

    1. I think this is very interesting and rainbows are pretty. Good job Pavel.

  50. The phenomenon of rain captures me in its grasp. This might seem to be an ordinary occurrence to some people but to me, it is a gift. The soft drip drop of the water gliding down the sky, sweeping its way across an area is just so serene. The sad plants who feel neglected would be vivacious after the shower. Some might think that rain does not have a smell but this does. It has a particular way that it invites you to come out and dance with the drops of water. H2O has never been more appealing than when it is falling in perfect harmony from the sky. It is majestic how the sky turns to greet the water with dull gray color that makes you just want to sit down and read a good book, or have a very placid time. The sky is about as pacific as the soft pallet of rain on the rooftop. The hum of the repetitive noise sings to you a sweet lullaby to coax you to sleep. This phenomenon does not seem to occur enough for me.

    1. Wow, Miriam. You did great! Everything you said just made me want to lay down and take a nap. Not that it was boring, it all just made me feel calm. Great use of WowWords too!

    2. You used WOW words! Good job with the details and describing this event in weather. I would have to agree, I love the rain too. It defiantly relaxes me too. I love the words you used to describe this type of weather, how something that we are used to everyday you described it like it was a magical moment.

    3. Nice word usage! You didn't continue to use the word rain, instead you replaced it with other words.

  51. When I hear the soft swift thump of a crystal rain drop hit the top of the ruff my mind goes into a peaceful state. The occasional rumble of the thunder keep we awake in the class room when learning the lecture of the teacher. When I look outside I see small moving lines and a mist that looks like a ghost walking across the scene. Hoping that the rain would wait till I could walk and play in the damp atmosphere. Though there was a side of me that hoped the soft rain would stop so I could not get wet on the stroll home. The moment the sun sets out and the clouds look dark I know my peaceful nature would soon end but the shining light that peeked through the puffy clouds shine brightly on my face and the smell of nature refreshed breath of the wet air.

    1. I think yours is pretty amazing. The way you describe things is awesome like when you you say "the swift thump of a crystal rain drop hit the top if the ruff" you describe it so well that it is like you are there, or it takes you back to a time when you have experienced it before. You put everything into really good detail but yet you don't over do it and it still makes since.Over all you did a really good job!

  52. When I go deer hunting, I really enjoy listening to the woods wake up. We get to our spot around 6:30 a.m. and sit down in the dark, cold forest. As we wait, silently, we listen to the rough fall leaves rubbing each other in the soft breeze and the pitter patter of squirrels making their morning rounds in the trees. Around 7:15, the world starts to light up ever so slightly. The happy birds, awake from their peaceful slumber, begin singing their love songs and work tunes. As the other birds begin to answer back, the birds fly from tree to tree, visiting their beaked buddies. Then the chipmunks arise from their homes and scamper out on the ground in search for breakfast. The soft swooshing of the downed leaves marks their trail. 7:30 is when the world is most beautiful in the deer woods. The sun is a few minutes away from peaking over the steep, sloping hills. I sit in the crisp, cool morning with my hands on my rifle. I listen to all of the talking animals, the slow, maraca-like sound of the trees in the wind, the rustling of the dry leaves on the ground, and the sound of my breathing. Such a beautiful feeling is unique to the woods, and is something I cherish on every occasion.

    1. You did a very good job at describing what hunting is like, and how awesome it is. Very nice

    2. It looks like you put a lot of time and effort in to this. I am very proud of you. You used big words and a lot of imagery.

  53. My happy heart sings as a rain storm rolls through. The sky is filled with dark black clouds. It looks like it has suddenly turned to night when it hasn't. I love to hear the harsh sounds of the thunder, sounding and feeling like my house has been knocked down. The bright lightening that lights up the whole sky in the blink of an eye is amazing. I love to sit in my house and cuddle up in a blanket and watch out the window at this beautiful storm of nature taking place. At the end of the storm when the trees have stopped blowing, the dark clouds have faded away, and the thunder has calmed, I see a gorgeous rainbow filled with all the pretty colors in this world. I stand outside and gaze at it in amazement. What a wonderful thing.

  54. What really inspires me is when the sun rises in a clear sky, on a fresh summer day. It just looks so amazing and beautiful, reminding me, every time, of how great our God is and how powerful and wonderful His creations are. What makes a sunrise special is the colors. For example at dawn when the sky is still yet dark, it starts to lighten up and going from dark blue to a lighter tone, then pink, and then when the sun peeks over the horizon a sudden burst of orange and then yellow. Honestly, it can't be described. To experience the full beauty you should wake up early.

    1. You did a really good job at describing things and how it looks to you. You also made it really descriptive in your own way.I liked the part where you describe the sky, and what it looks like.

  55. When I am sitting in the wood listening to the birds,and turkeys and just enjoying being outside is a nice a peaceful thing. That's why I enjoy hunting and fishing because it clears my head and I get to enjoy the weather and everything around.

    1. Its always cold when its hunting season. But I do enjoy it! Its very peaceful just sitting there for like 5000 hours.

    2. You did an overall good job. I feel like you can use more words to describe how you love being outside hunting and maybe describe how the cold weather makes you feel.

    3. I think this is pretty good, Elijah. I like how you use descriptive things you see such as birds and turkeys.

    4. I totally agree. I wrote about something very similar because it relaxes me as well. Great idea for writing, but it would have been even better if you used more descriptive language.

    5. Me and you think alike. I would say the same thing. We need to go hunting asap.

    6. That is good and i like how hunting clears your head.

  56. WOW!! Impressive! I loved the imagery used in so many of your posts! You guys can be so creative and descriptive. I can't wait to read the poetry that each of you will write very soon. It's going to be so good! In the words of Wordsworth - "My heart leaps..."

  57. Nature. Beauty that the eyes tends to take for granted. From the soft roses to the details in all the little things.Nature is everywhere you look. From the beautiful sun rises and sun set that tends to take the breath away if one has time. From the hills to the mountains, through the oceans beauty lies there. If one takes the time to gust stop the hustle of their lives they can see the beauty in everything.
    Weather is extraordinary- through out the seasons -from soft snowflakes falling down from the sky above, to the rain about to beat down. All I see when I think of, or see, nature and the weather is fun, and beauty.

    1. I like they way you wrote it. I read your comment about my post. It was funny :) But you described Nature better than I did. :)

  58. During the rampaging tornado, howling against the iron and steel of man, one must stop and look to fully see the beauty of the tornado. It sprints across fields and weaves the building as it lurks through its short life. Oblivious to the man made structures that once protected them, it moves with ease through towns and cities leaving only devastation in it's wake. But, holds these lands like the grudge it holds against anything on these lands. For once these lands belonged to nature. But what that makes of the tornado? A reaper, a reclaimer, for the once and still mighty nature, It is sent in for a war waged for land. To gain back the fields and the groves it once called home, but now only feels estranged with in its own home.

    1. This is an amazing response man i have never heard anything like this come from you before.

    2. This was amazing, i never knew you were that poetic

    3. Wow, Dylan you have amazing descriptive language! I have never thought about a tornado like that but i see what you mean.

    4. This is an impressive piece of artistic writing Dylan. The descriptive words used is just beauty and makes the tornado personified.

    5. Wow! that was good. You did a great job of using descriptive language keep it up.

    6. You did an amazing job at describing in this! Very good descriptive language!

    7. I can honestly say that I never would have expected that from you Dylan very descriptive and it will forever change the way I think about tornadoes.

    8. Whoa. That was amazing Dylan! Great job! I love it! Great descriptive language!

  59. During the rampaging tornado, one must stop and look to see the beauty of this force. It sprints across fields and weaves through buildings as it lurks through its short life. Howling against the steel and iron of man. For it feels no pain nor remorse on the takers of its mother's land. And it leaves only devastation in its wake. For what does this make of the tornado? A reaper, a reclaimer, for the once and still mighty nature, who cannot fight it's own battles. So, the tornado is sent to wage an endless war for land. Land it holds close, land it holds like the grudges it holds on those who trespass on it. The tornado is natures WMD, for it can clear the land and thus paint the road to natures salvation. It is the tornado, that can have our necks held and it mother set free from our clutches.

    1. Wow!!! Dylan this is amazing. You used all kinds of descriptive language. It was amazing to see you speaking like this! Keep up the good work!

  60. Nature, lovely and in the same time its very dangerous and causes destruction and tragedy. I feel as though we take nature for granted. Its beautiful and very novel in ways that no one understands. Why the thunder shakes the ground , Why the lightning lights up the sky like a light bulb being turned on. Its wonderful and even though it leaves destruction somehow we find away to enjoy somethings brought by nature. Like rainbows after it rains so shiny and colorful, or Like wind the breeze so soft yet so powerful it can lift a car into the air. I love not knowing what's going to happen next and what it'll bring.
