Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Journal #4 - What do you think?

For your next journal assignment, you are to go back to Journal #3 and read the comments posted by your classmates.  They are so impressive!  Choose three of them and write a three sentence (at least) response to each of those three!  Tell them what you think about their descriptive feelings regarding a phenomenon of nature.  

Monday, January 28, 2013

Journal #3 - Wordsworth's Words

British poet, William Wordsworth once wrote, "My heart leaps up with I behold a rainbow in the sky."  Think about a phenomenon of nature that moves you.  Using sensory, descriptive language, write a description of your feelings caused by this phenomenon of nature."

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Journal #2 - "I Have a Dream"

In the "I Have a Dream" speech, Martin Luther King, Jr. says, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."

Do you believe his "dream" has been achieved or is there still work to be done?  Why?

Your entry should be at least 100 words and it needs to be posted by 10 PM on Friday, January 18th.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Journal #1 - It's NEW!

Welcome back English II students! Starting this semester, we will have a NEW way of journaling, communicating and responding to the literature we read and discuss. We are going to BLOG! I know many of you are familiar with this from Coach Houp's class and this blog will operate very similarly. However, I need to get everyone included. So please comment below (in no less 50 words)...

Winter Break was ..... (i.e. Winter Break was tiring because I played basketball just about every day. However we won most of our games so it was awesome.  I wish it would have snowed so we could go sledding... OR Winter Break was great! I saw all of my cousins and we had three dinners at my grandma's house. She makes the best cinnamon rolls....  OR Winter Break was too short. I need more time to play Madden and Halo 4 and COD and Skyrim! I am...)

Your comment should be posted at the end of the 10 minutes I'm going to give you.  Your time starts....NOW!
Mrs. Ellis