Friday, June 14, 2013

SUMMER SCHOOL - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Discussion

Please copy and paste the following discussion questions and essay questions over into a GoogleDoc.  Respond to each question with details and examples from the story.  Each response should be at least two sentences.  When your responses are complete, please share the doc with me.  It is due by 2:30 PM TODAY...obviously! Happy LAST Day of Summer School!

1. What is the setting of the story?

2. What is the occupation of Benjamin’s father?

3. What type of child (male or female) does Benjamin’s father hope for?

4. What outfit does Benjamin’s father end up purchasing for him (from the store)?

5. What does Benjamin’s father refer to Benjamin as? Why does he make this reference?

6. What university does Benjamin first attend? Why does he get kicked out?

7. Why does Hildegarde choose Benjamin? Explain.

8. Which university does Benjamin attend later in his life? What sport does he excel at? Which 
team does he help “destroy”?

9. What does Benjamin dislike about Kindergarten?

10. Who ends up taking care of Benjamin? What does he have trouble remembering?

Choose one of the following topics for your essay. Essay length 250-400 words.

1. Age plays a pivotal role in the story The Curious Case of Benjamin button. Based on what you have read, argue as to whether you think age has more to do with the human mindset rather than anything physical. Or, argue the opposite.

2. What does "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" teach us about the nature of age?

3. F. Scott Fitzgerald makes a bold commentary about class and social standing in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Explain whether you believe it to be the story of society’s refusal to accept anyone who is different.

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