Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Journal #5 - Wise words?

Describe the meaning of these two classic similes - "Life is like a box of chocolates" and "Stupid is as stupid does."  How do these analogies apply to your life?  Please respond in no less than 100 words. 


  1. life is like a box of chocolates means that you never know what your gonna get and what will come your way.
    stupid is as stupid dose means that even tho you think something is stupid don't mean that the act your doing is smart

  2. Life is like a box of chocolates. When people say that I think that it means that life could no get any better at the moment. That everything that is happening to the person or in their life is good. When I think of stupid is as stupid does I think of when maybe you are like hanging out with someone and they do something stupid so you go and do something stupid to so that makes you booth dumb for doing it.

  3. life is like a box of chocolates relates to my life because every thing looks good on the out side but you dont really know how a person is untell you open it. thats how i am. An when someone does something studid and your around them you find yourself doing the same thing.

  4. When people say life is like a box of chocolates, they mean that by you never know what you're going to get just like a box of chocolates that you buy in a store, you don't know what you'll get in life. and when people say stupid is as stupid does, they mean that stupid is when someone does something dumb so they are saying that stupid is, as stupid does. The first one applies to life because its saying you don't know what you'd receive in life, it all unexpected, and the second one applies to life by meaning, don't be stupid in life.

  5. Life is like a box of chocolate- Well i'm guessing that means life is real good then because a box of chocolates is real good. That every person and every detail in their life is going good at that moment. Stupid is as stupid does- I think this means that if you do something stupid in life you are then considered stupid.

  6. the meaning of life is like a box of chocolate is because you never know whats going to happen next like you never know what chocolate filled candy. you never know whats going to happen.

    The meaning is stupid is as stupid dose is like saying even you mess up it dosen't matter someones going to mess up at one point of there life an you cant help to feel stupid. so stupid is as stupid dose.

  7. Its like life is full of new things and things that people love. every time you eat a new chocolate its a different flavor and every day is something new and you learn new things. stupid is as stupid does is like you don't have to do stupid things. stupid things are made by you and its only stupid because you made it stupid. life is like a box of chocolates is like when you don't wanna try new things like if you had chocolate and thats something you dont wanna try.

  8. The simile life is like a box of chocolates means: live life for the moment you can never plan ahead in life because no matter what you do its not going to turn out exactly like you plan. This applies to my life in the sense that i planed out my high school years and it hasn't turned out the way i thought it would
    The simile stupid is as stupid dose means: Actions you take as a human being will reflect on people more then anything else. this applies to me in the sense that i try to be as nice as i can to people and this in turn has made me an easy to get along with person.

  9. Life is like a box of chocolates to me means that you never know what's gonna happen in life. You just have to live everyday to your fullest. This apply to my life because that what i do, i live everyday like its my last and i don't look back and live it full of regrets.
    Stupid is as stupid does, well i don't really know what this one means but maybe it means that you're only as stupid as you make your self out to be or maybe it means two wrongs don't make a right. I just think if you try and never give up your life will be worth something in the end

  10. "Life is like a box of chocolates" means that even though you might not now what is to come latter in life it can still be as sweat as you make it. The other simile "stupid is as stupid does" means that all of your actions everything you do and say reflects your Intellect. These apply to my life because I never know what is going to happen but I still try and make the best of it. Also my actions are always reflecting who I am and my intelligence as a human being.

  11. life is like a box of chocolates means that you never know what your gonna get and what will come your way.
    stupid is as stupid dose means that even tho you think something is stupid don't mean that the act your doing is smart.
    life is like a box of chocolates apply to my life because i never do know how my day will go nothing is certain in my life except death thats the only thing any one can be sure of. stupid is as stupid dose, well i know i don't got the brightest head on my shoulders but i don't judge many ideas of people iv been judged all my life and ridiculed and laughed at so i keep my mouth shut unless i know for sure

  12. life is like a box of chocolates means that you never know what your gonna get and what will come your way.
    stupid is as stupid dose means that even tho you think something is stupid don't mean that the act your doing is smart.
    life is like a box of chocolates apply to my life because i never do know how my day will go nothing is certain in my life except death thats the only thing any one can be sure of. stupid is as stupid dose, well i know i don't got the brightest head on my shoulders but i don't judge many ideas of people iv been judged all my life and ridiculed and laughed at so i keep my mouth shut unless i know for sure

  13. life is like a box of chocolates is refering to how in life you never know what your going to get. most of the moments you like but there are some moments that you would rather not be in. stupid is as stupid does refers to how your actions can mirror your intellect. like a less smarter person wont as much think about what they do before they do it where as a more smater person might think more and know not to do it.the box of chocolate can refer to my life in a way that i have had moments that i can reflect on and cherrish and moments that might as well be reppresed. the stipid one, ive done both stupid thingsand smart things in my time.

  14. "Life is like a box of chocolates" means to me sometimes life is really good. But then, there's always something that ends up going wrong. From day to day, you never know what you're going to get. May be a good day, or a bad one. You never know. "Stupid is as stupid does", means to me like if you make stupid choices and don't stop, people are going to think that you are actually stupid and don't know how to make good decisions, and know what's right from wrong. When you don't think and make good choices, then it's not going to be good on your part.

  15. As for life is like a box of chocolate, it means that there is mysteries in life that you do not know of... It's a quest that has un ending chaters that are going to fill up. You never are going to find out a head of time what fate or destiny has in store. So live it to the fullest. As for the analogy Stupid is as stupid does... It mean pretty much we are going to do some stupid things in life that we can't take back. So might as well enjoy the ride. I know in my life I have done some stupid things and that life troughs curveballs at me once in a while, So might as well be as a duck and let it slide off my back. So Just enjoy life, and also live the adventure.

  16. The first one "Life is like a box of Chocolates" means to me that in a box of chocolates you never know what you may get, and in life from one day to the next you never know what is going to happen things can change in the blink of an eye.In the saying “Stupid is what stupid does” it means if you do stupid things you are going to be looked at like you are stupid.I think both of these things come into my life by being young if i do stupid things now they will effect me in the long run.

  17. As for life is like a box of chocolate, it means that there is mysteries in life that you do not know of... It's a quest that has unending chapters that are going to fill up. You never are going to find out a head of time what fate or destiny has in store. So live it to the fullest. As for the analogy Stupid is as stupid does... It means pretty much we are going to do some stupid things in life that we can't take back. So might as well enjoy the ride. I know in my life I have done some stupid things and that life troughs curveballs at me once in a while, So might as well be as a duck and let it slide off my back. Also that live life to the fullest and Enjoy the adventure.

  18. The meaning of “life is like a box of chocolate” means that like a box of chocolate getting chocolate you have no idea what's inside life comes with surprises you never saw coming. The meaning of “stupid is as stupid does” is your only stupid if you do something that is stupid. These apply to my life by i never know what's going to happen and i am always surprised and i only think im dumb when i do something and in the end i just wonder why i did it that way and not another way that seemed very right.

  19. "Life is like a box of chocolates" means that life can be full of something sweet and good, but you just have to open the box, I think that's what it means. And "stupid is as stupid does" probably means that if your stupid, and you do something stupid, that thing is going to be stupid...that all!

  20. "Life is like a box of chocolates." To me, this basically means that you never know what you're going to get in life. Your choices effect what happens in the end, but most of the time you can't predict what's going to happen. And that's the beauty of it; life would be so boring if we always knew what would happen, if there was no variety.
    "Stupid is as stupid does." I think this means that you are judged according to the acts you commit. More specifically, the stupid things you do. If you do something totally reckless and without thought, there's going to be a lot of people out there that will label you as just that: reckless. Stupid.

  21. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’ll get inside. What that means to me is never don't expect something to happen because you never know what will happen to you. You can choose the path of your life but it can be thrown off at random by the random occurances of people and nature.
    Stupid is as stupid does to me means that if you do something stupid, even if you are stupid or smart, yours till stupid for doing it. Just because you’re smart doesn’t mean that you can get away with doing something stupid. You will still get in trouble for it and then you are stupid for doing it.

  22. The first simile, "Life is like a box of Chocolates" is from the ever so famous Forrest Gump and after that he says "You never know what you are going to get." This is so true in our daily lives. Each day, whether it is big or small, we overcome some kind of obstacle. The meaning of this quote means something different to every person, depending on what they have gone through in their life. "Stupid is as Stupid Does" means that what you do reflects who you are. If you do stupid things, you are most likely stupid. Most people who that quote applies to doesn't know what it means :)

  23. The "life is like a box of chocolates" simile means that in life you never know what is going to happen or in the box of chocolates your never going to know what you got until you bite into it. So its just saying you have no idea what you are going to have in life. The "stupid is as stupid does" simile means that you are what you do. Goes the same is beauty is what beauty does. It means that what you do like actions, how you treat people etc. defines who you are as a person and what you do.

  24. I hear " Life is like a box of chocolates" alot. I hear it used in many different ways also. I have heard it used as a positive and a negative way. A positive way is " Life is like a box of chocolates, it is good and sweet." A negative example is " Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what is inside." I see that as a negative because to me it sounds like it is warning you of something scary. " Stupid is as stupid does" I have never heard before. But I am guessing that it means that if someone isn't too bright then they will do stupid stuff.

  25. Life is like a box of chocolate means that you don’t know what is going to happen in your life. Just like you don’t know what kind of chocolate you will get. In the movie Forrest Gump, he says, “ life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get “ and that is exactly what it means. When Forrest says, stupid is as stupid does, it means that you're not stupid until you do something stupid. You are only as stupid as the actions you take. These are great similes and metaphors used in the movie they have a wide meaning to them.

  26. Forest Gump once uttered the now famous words "Life is like a box of chocolates." What his mother meant by this was that you never know what you're going to get next. Similar to the different flavors in a chocolate box, life throws things at you that you may never expect. He also says "Stupid is as stupid does" meaning you are judged for what you do, even if what you do is a stupid and brainless act. These analogies apply to my life because I, like everyone else, am judged for what I do and my reactions to what happens.

  27. Life is like a box of chocolates usually refers to how a person never knows what they are going to get in life. In a way, no one knows how their life is going to turn out. But like how you can control what type of chocolates you buy, you can control what you do. You just will not know the outcome of it all. Stupid is as stupid does basically means you are what you do and that is how you are judged. If you do something stupid then obviously someone is bound to think you are stupid, whether you are, or you aren't.

  28. The simile "life is like a box of chocolates" means that life is unexpected. You will never know what's going to happen or what the day will bring, just like you never know what you will get in a box of chocolates. Life is full of surprises, good and bad. "Stupid is as stupid does" means that to notice stupid things you would have to do stupid things to realize it, kind of like the phrase takes one to know one. If you do stupid things you will notice other peoples stupid things and point them out instead of staying quiet.

  29. "Life is like a box of chocolates" applies to my life because you never know what you will get, and what will happen. Then "Stupid is as stupid does" relates to my life because stupid people do stupid stuff, so if you were to do something stupid, then you would be stupid. Also, all of these relate to my life because "Life is like a box of chocolates" also mean life is full of surprises, so you never know what will happen.

  30. Life is like a box of chocolates means that like is really sweat and good like chocolate. Stupid is as stupid does means that your stupid if you do stupid things but your not always stupid. They apply to my life because I do really stupid things and even though I do those life can be like a box of chocolates. Although everyone does stupid things sometime in their life so even though you do stupid things doesn't always mean your stupid. Life is like a box of chocolates can also mean that life can suck sometimes just like when you get a bad piece of chocolate and spit it out then you go on to the next one and it's all better.

  31. I think the famous simile from the movie Forest Gump that says, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get." is a very accurate analogy. In life you never know what's going to happen next. There's no way you can predict it or try to stop it from happening. Just like when you buy a box of chocolates, you never really know what kind of chocolates are going to be inside.
    I also think that the famous simile "Stupid is as stupid does" is a pretty accurate analogy for people. If what you say or how you act is stupid then you are going to come across as a stupid person.

  32. Life is like a box of chocolates means that like is really sweat and good like chocolate. Stupid is as stupid does means that your stupid if you do stupid things but your not always stupid. They apply to my life because I do really stupid things and even though I do those life can be like a box of chocolates. Although everyone does stupid things sometime in their life so even though you do stupid things doesn't always mean your stupid. Life is like a box of chocolates can also mean that life can suck sometimes just like when you get a bad piece of chocolate and spit it out then you go on to the next one and it's all better.

  33. “Life is like a box of chocolates” means you never really know what you’re going to get from it. It might be surprising and it might not be.
    “stupid is as stupid does” means if you’re stupid enough to do what’s wrong(stupid) then I guess you’re stupid enough to be stupid.
    They apply wherever I go or whatever I’m doing like Forest gump says lifes like a box of chocolate. .. you never know what you’re going to find. Stupid is as stupid does really applies because if you take what you’ve done in the past you’ve learned from it. If you havent then I guess you just need to keep making that mistake to learn from it.

  34. "Life is a box of chocolates" because life is like full of wonder and adventure to want to know what's out there in the world to explore. "Stupid is as stupid does" means that when someone one does something really dumb and and people say that someone isn't thinking very smart to do something that dumb and stupid. But they realize that person made a mistake and people make mistakes but also they fix that mistake as well.
    These analogies apply to my life because they happen to other people's lives and future. It might happen to me one day but i think i've made a lot of mistakes for myself

  35. When you say “life is like a box of chocolates” it means that you don't know what you're going to get. you could get something that is really good, or you could get something you don't like, but you won't know till you try. As for the “Stupid is as stupid does” It means that your only stupid if you do stupid things. These apply to me because of what happens and what i do. some days its good other days its bad. Some days i do something really stupid and seem like i’m stupid to other people. It’s all about what you do.

  36. I do not know how to explain what it means exactly. I guess that it means there many different things and or people in life. Like in a box of chocolates not any two pieces of candy are the same like there are no two people that are the same. I think that the other one means that you can not change something if it is already like that. Like you can not change stupid because that is what stupid is. This does not really apply to my life other than there is no one that is the same as me or any one else. Also people should not try to change me.

  37. Life is like a box of chocolates means that you never know quite what you are going to get. It means life is a mystery wrapped in a wrapper just like the quote on forrest gump about the life is like a box of chocolates and you never know what your gona get. Stupid is as stupid does means that the person is stupid if they do stupid stuff. These analogies apply to life because they put a clever twist on saying you never know how life is going to turn out and to not act stupidly because stupid is as stupid does.

  38. Life is like a box of chocolates because you never know where you will end up. When you grab a piece out you don’t know what kind it is which resembles life, you don’t know what could happen. Stupid is as stupid does tells that if you do wrong things then you will only get the worst out of everything. Like hanging around the wrong people can get you in trouble if you follow what they do. I deal with ups and downs like the box of chocolates describes, it resembles my life. I’m not very stupid so the stupid is as stupid does doesn’t go with my life.

  39. The simile life is like a box of chocolates means that you never know what you're going to get. A box of chocolates all looks the same but when you pick one out to eat you never do know what you are going to get. It could be caramel, strawberry, or just straight chocolate. This is like life because day to day you never know exactly what you are going to receive be it very good or very bad. The simile stupid is as stupid does means simply that you are only as stupid as the things you do in life. The second one applies to me because I've done some stupid stuff in life and granted several were funny looking back but I could be judged as stupid for doing them. The first one applies to my life because as I said you never know what will happen day to day which is true in everyone's life. If you knew what you were going to deal with day to day it would take the fun out of life.

  40. These do involve in me life because i like chocolates and i like love. They are really good things in my life because the keep me happy.If you are stupid more than likely you will do something really stupid. I watch a lot of ignorant people in my life and they are stupid but i don't think they can help it. They think they are right all the time but they are not the are to dumb to realize there stupid. These are two really good similes because they are true. Well i think the are true. They mean something to me but i don't know what the mean to others.Love makes the world go around.

  41. The phrase ‘life is like a box of chocolates’ is a famous simile that has a deeper meaning. It means that you don’t know what you are going to get out of life. So many different things could happen. The thing is, you will not know until you take a “bite”. The second simile, ‘stupid is as stupid does’ is a simile meaning that the character of a person (such as stupidity) is judged not only by the quickness of mind or words but by their actions. These two phrases apply to my life because for one, I need to take more bites out of the chocolate and see what life has to offer. I might not know what I am going to get but that is the fun of it I guess. Secondly, I need to watch my actions and take precautions against not only sounding and looking intelligent but making intelligent choices and actions.

  42. The simile "Life is like a box of chocolates" means you never know what you may get. When you get a box of chocolates and you open it, you never know what kind of chocolate may be in it. In life we never know what may happen or what to expect next, which is very scary sometimes. Life is just very unpredictable.
    The simile "Stupid is as stupid does" to me means you are stupid if you do stupid things. Your actions determine your character. This saying pretty much means you are judged stupid by the stupid acts you commit.
    These analogies apply to my life because I never know what to expect from day to day. I never know what may happen or what could go wrong or right. Also I may do stupid things on a daily basis and be considered stupid. I may commit a bad act and be judged as stupid. That's how these analogies can apply to not just my life, but everyone's.

  43. life is like a box of chocolates because in both situations there is no way of knowing what is going to happen or what your going to get.stupid is as stupid does means your only as stupid as the things you do.They apply to me because I don't know whats going to happen in my life.I do know that I will only be as stupid as the things I do.Things that I have done in the past will make me seem pretty stupid and I am sure i will do stupid things in the future.As for not knowing what i am going to get out of life i don't know. then again no one really does and that is what makes life interesting.

  44. The meaning id "life is like a box of chocolates" is saying you are going to get it but will it actually taste good? The next one about "stupid is as stupid does" means that if you're doing something bad something bad will happen later. The first one does because I could do something but then I don't know what the outcome of it would be, or happen. I think the stupid is what stupid does affects me because I do stupid things and the of course I get a stupid punishment for doing the stupid crap. But I like to think I don't do stupid stuff!

  45. life is like a box of chocolate.well they say that because chocolate is sweet and life is sweet.Also we love chocolate just as much as we love life.Also life is not always sweet,we can hate our own life just because we did not get what we wanted or something bad happened to us or the ones around me.Just like chocolate we can hate some type of chocolates.well when u do something stupid it will always look stupid or sound stupid.when you do something stupid it will always be stupid you cant change nothing anything about it.

  46. Life is like a box of chocolates is saying that you never know if it's going to be something that you like or something you don't like, like when you eat a box of chocolates you don't know if your going to like that flavor inside the creamy chocolate. It's like a guessing game with food and life is a guessing game. Stupid is as stupid does is saying that if you act stupid, you are stupid, no matter how smart you are. Only stupid people act stupid. Its like a girl with straight A's acting like she doesn't get the easiest joke to get, that't not very smart.

  47. The phrase, life is like a box of chocolates, means that life is completely unpredictable. You never know what you get until you get it. There are so many different variations that you can get, there's no guessing. The phrase, stupid is as stupid does, means that saying someone is stupid doesn't make them stupid. You are only considered stupid if you do stupid things. If your actions are stupid, then that defines who you are. In my life, I always try to figure whats happening next and what the outcome will be. I don't really take time to consider that you can't predict life. It just happens. I often label people as stupid when they haven't done anything stupid. I should realize that the only stupid people are people that have stupid actions.

  48. "Life is like a box of chocolate" means that life is so crazy that you don't know what will come at you. Like with a box of chocolates you never know what you are going to get. The other simile means that people that are dumb do dumb things. In my life I believe that the simile about the chocolate is true because life is very random. Even when you plan things, things seem to pop up and ruin the plains. The other one I agree with because people that are dumb tend to do dumb things like people with no ambition tend to not do anything with their life. Both of these similes are good to for life and to help people understand it.

  49. When someone says life is like a box of chocolates, I think it means that life is full of choices. There are different kinds of chocolates like dark, milk, and white. If you want to get a box for your sweet heart, you will have to make a decision on the type of chocolate and whether you want it to be filled with a gooey substance or not. In life, we have to make a lot of choices and not all are easy. An easy decision would be, "what do I want to wear to school?" A hard decision would be "what college should I go to?" This analogy does apply to me because I'm constantly making decisions as if I would with purchasing something as simple as a box of chocolates. The analogy "stupid is as stupid does" means if you do something stupid then your stupid. That is definitely me. I am always doing stupid things and I call myself stupid.

  50. What these analogies mean in my life that if life were a box of chocolates then you never know what you're going to get in life. You never know what is going to come your way or what is going to happen in your life. In my life it means that you have a certain amount of time before your box is empty. So you should do something with your life before your box is empty and your chocolates are all gone. With the simile stupid is as stupid does, it means that you are what you are and you'll do what you'll do. This describes me in many ways because I'm me. If people don't take me the way I am then they shouldn't expect me to change for them.

  51. "Life is like a box of chocolates". I think that means that you'll never know what you're going to get. It could be good or it could be bad. If it's good, you're not going to throw it away, you will savor it. Though, If it's bad, you would get rid of it as soon as possible and try again.
    "Stupid is as stupid does". That means that if you are a smart person, but you do stupid things, you are still stupid. You can't act one way and be another. If you act one way, you will eventually be that.
